Chapter 44-Backstage

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Josh's POV
I had just stepped onto the stage and began my soundcheck when I looked over and saw Jakes scowl. I realized that Ophelia had told him about the kiss, and I felt my eyes grow wide. I slipped the mic back into the stand and raised my hands as I slowly backed away. I knew he'd be mad, but I had hoped that I had until after the show.

"Jake, we can talk about this.." I pleaded as Jake kept stepping closer and closer. I turned on my heels and took off running with Jake following. "JAKEY, NO!" I screamed as I darted behind Danny's drums trying to keep my distance. Jake mirrored my moves every time I tried to get past him and the drums, so it felt like a dangerous dance.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jake growled through gritted teeth as he knocked the drums out of the way and grabbed me by the shoulders. I winced and looked to Ophelia hoping she'd stop him, but she didn't.

I turned back to Jake and closed my eyes bracing for impact.  "Not the face, please.." I begged shamelessly.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Jake screamed into my face. The heat of his breath hit my face and I couldn't think of an answer that would make this moment any less tens, so I just looked down at my feet. "You cheated on Opie when you fucked Lauren. You didn't care about her or me then, don't pretend to care now!" I felt anger erupt out of me. Of all the things I've done, I've never once not cared about her. It felt like that's all I ever do.

My fist flew and crashed into his nose before I really realized it. "I've always cared about her!" I spat as he glanced over towards Ophelia with tears in my eyes. Jake's fist landed squarely on my jaw busting my lip. I spat blood onto the ground and glared at him. "Fuck you, Jake! I said not the face!" We still had a show to do, and now I'd have a bruised face and busted lip. Perfect.

"No! You know what? Fuck you!" Jake hissed back as he wiped the blood from his nose onto his forearm. "Don't think I don't know that you left the bathroom door unlocked on purpose." He growled as I wiggled free. Of course he'd bring that up again.

I ran towards the front of the stage and grabbed the mic stand swinging it wildly towards Jake. "Don't act all high and mighty now, Jake, you know you were trying to make a move on her when we were together.." I replied in a low tone.

Jake grabbed the mic stand and yanked it from my hands tossing it to the side as he ran towards me. He tackled me to the ground and punched me in the stomach. "You're the fuck up. You can't let anyone else be happy. Ask her. Ask her what she wants..who she wants," he spat as he stood up leaving me lying on the stage holding my stomach.

Shit. He was right. I fucked up with Ophelia. It's my fault we aren't still together. It's my fault they're together. I couldn't bare to hear her pick Jake after everything. I just couldn't do it..

"If you two are done fighting, I'm going to go get dressed.." Sammy said as he offered me a hand and helped me to my feet. He hugged me gently before waking over to Jake and Ophelia. Danny said something to Ophelia before he and Sammy left.

I walked over to them with my head down ready for my heart to break. Ophelia took a step towards me after trading glances with Jake. " need to give Jake and I some space," Ophelia said in an unnervingly calm voice. I felt the anger bubbling inside me again as I watched her waiting for the punchline to this sick joke.

"Ophelia, respectfully, I think you're just confused..You and I meant something, and I refuse to act like we didn't," I replied, trying to keep my calm but to be stern enough that she understood I was serious. She turned to look at Jake, and I noticed he was still ready to fight. I shook my head and Ophelia turned back to me.

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