Chapter 49-For You

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Josh's POV
"I love you so much, Josh," she cooed as she caressed my face before kissing my lips gently. She pulled away and smiled. I was blown away by her effortless beauty and felt my cheeks flush pink.

I tucked her hair behind her ear and whispered, "Do you know how in love with you I am?" She giggled before I leaned in to kiss her again.

I woke up suddenly as the bus came to an abrupt stop. I groaned to myself as I shook off the dream. I rubbed my eyes and looked out my window trying to figure out where we were.

We had done a festival in California, 2 shows in Colorado, 2 weeks in Texas, a few shows throughout the Midwest, and we were finally going back to Nashville. After this show, we had 1 more, but it was back in Michigan so we could be home for the holidays.

"Are you excited to see Dylan?" Opie asked with a mischievous grin as she walked out of the back room. I hadn't seen her in nearly 6 months, but we had talked every day. I had stopped bringing home girls every night, which apparently made some people suspicious.

I playfully glared down at her but broke when my laughter erupted. "Yes, actually, she's coming to the show you care to keep her company?" I asked hopefully. I was honestly scared for them to meet, but I didn't want Dylan to be alone.

"I am dying for some girl time after living in all this testosterone!" She exclaimed causing Sammy to snort with laughter from his bunk below mine. "Just introduce us before the show, and she can stand on side stage with me," she beamed.

I jumped down from my bunk and hugged her. "Thank you, Opie," I whispered. I was glad she was so willing to help out Dylan, and I was beyond grateful for the friendship we had cultivated over these last few months, especially after all the drama.

When I released her, I realized I was still in my boxers. I blushed and grabbed a pair of shorts to throw on before walking to the front of the bus for breakfast. Danny had made pancakes, and Jake had volunteered to go on a coffee run. He just got back with coffee for us and the driver, and Opie was beaming to see him after their brief time apart. I sat down to eat, and giggled as I watched Danny walk over and yank the curtain open on Sammy's bunk.

"Get up, lazy bones! You and I are on interview duty today so the twins can spend time with their girlfriends," Danny said sternly as Sammy groaned in protest while pulling his blanket over his head.

"Fine," he grumbled as he cocooned himself in his blanket and made his way to the table to sit and eat.

Opie sat between Jake and I, and I kept glancing over to see them feeding each other and being sickeningly sweet to each other. I looked over to Sammy and we both pretended to gag. Danny tried to stifle his giggles when Jake looked our direction.

It was actually Sam's turn to make breakfast, but I wasn't sure I could handle another Sammy meal after the smoothie fiasco, vegan omelette incident, and taco night. The pancakes were delicious, and I made sure to thank Danny a million times. He laughed and shook off my compliments. I went back to my bunk and pulled out my journal as Jake and Opie disappeared to the back room while Danny and Sammy took turns showering and getting dressed.

I had been writing down random dreams, thoughts, and ideas since tour started, and most of them revolved around new lyrics. I didn't have anything too solid, but I knew it would come together once the four of us got back home. For now, I hummed along a melody that I heard in my head and sang along quietly.

She's a woman in a dream
One that makes you fall in love
Though her face is never seen
She is what this love is of

I closed my journal and shoved it under my pillow before I hopped down from my bunk. Danny and Sam just left, and I needed to shower before going to meet Dylan. I quickly ran through the shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I decided to wear an old tshirt with my khaki pants. I put on my usual white vans and necklaces. I called an Uber, and texted Dylan to let her know I'd be there soon.

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