Making a Decision

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It was like first year all over again. You had got your letter asking you back again for your final year at Hogwarts.

All summer you had debated about whether you would go back as it was not compulsory, but you felt that you had to redo the year over again. You couldn't leave Hogwarts with the battle as your final memories. There was too much hurt there.

The battle had cost you nearly everything. You lost your mum and dad in the lead up to the battle. Your parents were Purebloods, but they didn't buy into all the blood supremacy bull that their friends did. They didn't care who studied magic, as long as their children were happy and safe and free to learn.

They had friends in The Order and friends who were Death Eaters, and they refused to part with either, saying that love was thicker than blood status.

In the end, you believe, it was this that got them killed. No one knew what really happened to them. One night, Narcissa went to visit them and found the house empty but the front door open.

Your parents would often walk in the woods between your house and the Malfoy's so Narcissa went to find them. She knew something was wrong when she saw the blood.

The investigation into their death was still ongoing, but so far it looked like a muggle death, everyone thought. You thought different. Your little red folder was filling up with information, and you were going to find out the truth some day.

Then your sister Evangeline had joined The Order with her friend Tonks and decided that she would fight for the good in the world and fight for peace. She and her fiancé Malcolm both signed up, and you saw her at the start of the battle when the Order stormed The Great Hall.

You immediately had rushed to her side and held her and Malcolm's hands. You were so proud of them for standing up for what was right. You kissed them both as they went off to defend the tower, and you went off to rescue your caged Slytherin friends from the dungeons.

You never saw Evangeline or Malcolm again until you entered the Great Hall to see all the deceased warriors. Both your remaining family members among them.

But through all of still had Draco. The love of your life. You're everything. Draco and you had been dating since the end of fifth year, and you were friends long before that.

Your mum and Narcissa were best friends, and Draco and you had play dates since before you could walk or talk. Draco adored you, and you loved him with every fibre of your being.

You had been with him through his Death Eater tasks. Helped look out for him when he first got his mark and ran away to your house for two weeks. You consoled him and brought him back to health.

You were there for him while he completed his tasks for the Dark Lord. You knew he had no choice in the matter. Voldemort had threatened his mother and you both.

You didn't want to know what his task was, and he didn't want to tell you: to keep you safe. But you reassured him every night that he was doing the right thing and that you loved him no matter what.

You had got through it. You had got through the battle. You didn't aim to kill anyone in the battle, but you tended to the wounded instead. You were stationed in the hospital wing dealing with those who needed apparated to St. Mungo's while everyone else was in the Great Hall.

When the battle was over, you were delighted to see most of your school friends had made it. Except Fred Weasley. An ex-boyfriend of yours. That broke you. You were already feeling fragile because of your family and now Fred too. It was too much.

You had locked yourself up in a small flat in London that your sister owned and didn't come out for 3 weeks. Draco consoled you the whole time. He stayed by your side and only left to shower and get you food. He was amazing.

But you had both survived and got through with the help of each other. He was all you needed in life, and you were all he wanted.

The day your letters came, you all apparated to Draco's manor to discuss the next step.

"I think we should go back," you opened the discussion.

"Of course you do," Pansy smirked. "You loved school and everyone there loved you."

"Everyone will hate us Evee," Theo spoke softly.

"They won't Theo," you assured him. "Everyone knows that you didn't play a part in what happened. Even Draco. Harry helped him with his court case and cleared his name."

"Draco? What do you think, mate? If Draco thinks it's a good idea, then I am in." Blaise flashed me that big brother style smile of his. He had become very protective over me since my parents died and has only got stronger since Evangeline and Malcolm passed too.

"I don't know." Draco admitted as you scoffed at his remark. "Love, I know you want to go back but that castle has nothing but bad memories in it for me. Why would I want to go back to be reminded of it?'

"I agree with Draco. Too much has happened," Daphne pouted.

"But don't you see, that is exactly why we should be going. We need to get over our fears and bad memories of the all the things that happened. I do not want my only memories of the time I had at Hogwarts to be overshadowed by the battle. I want to make more happy memories. To spend time with you all before we have to go off and get jobs and be grown-ups."

"Evee honey..."

"No Pansy! Look. I am not saying that you all have to go back. You do not have to agree with me on this. But I need to go back. Hogwarts only reminds me of what I lost — my family. I need to prove to myself that I can do this. Hogwarts needs students through its doors again. We cannot let Voldemort take the best wizarding school from us. I am going back. I am going to have a great year, and I am going to enjoy the time I have left to be young while I can. Merlin knows, Voldemort took too much of my childhood from me already. He isn't getting what I have left!"

Everyone was quiet and looking around at themselves. No one wanted to meet my eye. It was a very quiet few minutes before there was an interruption from the doorway.

"Evee is right, children. You have already sacrificed so much. Go back to school and be kids again. Carefree kids who do not have to live in fear." Narcissa spoke in almost a whisper but with determination at the same time.

Draco stood up. "OK. If both my girls think it's a good idea — who am I to argue?"

"Would you really have gone back to Hogwarts without us?" Daphne asked, standing on her feet and pulling you into her arms.

"It would have sucked, but I have to do this."

"No one is breaking up the gang!" Theo practically shouted as he pulled everyone in for a group hug.

So that was it settled. The gang was headed back to Hogwarts.

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