Letting Harry In on The Secret

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True to their word Harry and Hermione rang 5 minutes later to say they were at the bottom of the drive. You quickly gave them permission and headed outside to greet them with Draco.

A small blue sports car pulled up with Harry behind the wheel. Hermione jumped out and ran to hug you before passing you to Harry who did the same as she hugged Draco.

Harry then turned to Draco as Draco stuck out his hand. "Come on," Harry laughed. "We are mates now...bring it in." He opened his arms and you saw Draco's eyes widen in surprise but shockingly he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Harry and then for good measure he actually lifted him off the ground. Both of them laughing.

"We have missed you both," Hermione smiled as she linked arms with you.

"Actually Evee and I have missed you as well. Five weeks is quite a long time." Draco replied.

"How was your time away?" I asked leading everyone inside.

"Hot. Very hot. Too hot!" Harry sulked.

"Harry got sunburnt on the first day and was rather sorr for about a week."

"It was worse than the cruciatus curse."

"Ouch!" Draco inhaled sharply.

"You have no idea."

"Well guys I am actually glad you are here. We have a few things to discuss if you have time?"

"Of course," Hermione answers as she looks to you. "Is everything alright?"

"Not really. Let's go in and we will explain everything."

You and Hermione head to the living room as Harry and Draco follows. Kingsley and Andi (Narcissa) are seated by the fire but Jonathan has gone.

"Would you like some tea?" You ask.

"Oh please. I loved visiting my parents but it was too warm to drink a good cup of tea and I have missed it!"

You pour Hermione and Harry a cup before topping up everyone else's. You were just about to sit down when the door opens and Jonathan re-enters with Blaise, Luna, George and Angelina.

"Guys! It is so good to see you!" you leap into Blaise's arms.

"I have missed my little sister too," Blaise laughs.

After hugging and kissing everyone you pass the new guests tea before standing in front of the fire and facing the group.

"Ok I am glad you are all here because we have a few things to discuss. The first would be to catch Harry up on what the rest of us know. This will make it easier for Hermione and Draco as well as the rest of us as we won't have to lie to him."

Harry looked lost but Hermione gave a heavy sigh.

"Oh thank Merlin. It has been hard to been keeping a secret from him. He wanted to see my phone as he wanted to get himself one and I kept having to come up lies as to why he couldn't see it because of the messages on it."

"What secret? What are you on about?" Harry asked shocked and slightly panicked.

You looked over at Narcissa as her face began to twitch and change. It was time.

"Harry we lied to you. Well to everyone actually. The weekend that Hermione, Blaise, Luna and Draco came home with me to sort out my estate do you remember?"

"Eh yeah...your birthday weekend? The weekend Mrs Mal-emm...the weekend Draco's mother died?"

"Yes. Well truth is that was a lie. Narcissa?" You pointed to Andromeda as Harry turned. Her face was now moving by itself. Harry jumped up to his feet.

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