Another Attack

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October turned to November in the blink of an eye. You were very busy with your work, having already given one talk in Hogwarts school and two within the Ministry itself.

You were making good progress with the research. You had already given Kingsley a full report on the early days of magic which were demonstrated by Merlin himself and the limitations back then compared to today. You were also able to slip in the comparisons between magic and non magical folk in terms of technology.

The Ministry employees (especially Mr Weasley) were fascinated to learn about how humans had made a huge advancement in technology compared to wizards. You may get electricity in the Ministry yet.

Your next assignment which you were busy working on was the wandlore. How the wand knows to which witch or wizard it is most suited. How there are those wizards who can cast magic without their wands and those who cannot.

You were finding the topic fascinating and would have many detailed discussions with Oakley about this. Even Harry and Draco would listen in and offer advice as they worked out in the reception area of your office. Hermione of course was always on hand to help too.

Actually you were beginning to suspect that Hermione was more interested in your work than she was her own. Hermione was more the legal representative for her department and unless there was an open case being presented to the Ministry she had very little to do. You actually had thought about many asking Kingsley if you could share Hermione with Luna's department.

Annette, the secretary you shared with Mr Wesley temporarily, on the other hand was not interested in anything you did or in fact anything you said and spent her days with you answering the phone and reading muggle magazines.

She did however like to try and flirt with both Draco and Harry when she was here. She asked them questions and fetched them coffee and treats. Never once had she asked you if you wanted one.

One day she actually closed your office door in your face as you were talking to Draco as she wanted him to pay attention to her. She apologised when Draco called her out on it and said she didn't see you. It was obvious to all she had.

Thank Merlin she was going back to Mr Weasley full time next week as you didn't really need a secretary. You have have begged and pleaded with Kingsely about this and when he asked what had happened you simply smiled. Your lips were sealed.

This one particular day though she came in as sweet as can be and even brought you a coffee. You nearly choked when she handed it to you and then again when you realised that she was 30 minutes early for once, instead of 30 minutes late.

She wanted something. You knew it.

The boys arrived shortly after 10am after their usual morning meeting with their department and were just as shocked themselves to find her cleaning up the office and the reception room.

Definitely up to something.

It wasn't until that afternoon, at around 5pm that she skipped into your room and closed the door before turning to you smiling.

"Evee?" she squeaked.


"I was wondering if I could borrow one of your boys to walk me home this evening?"

"Excuse me?" You thought you misheard her.

"Well, it's just you always have those strapping lads out there to walk you home every evening with that other...girl and  –"

"You mean Hermione? Well since she is Harry's girlfriend and she lives with him, it would only make sense for him to take her home. Draco as well considering he is my boyfriend."

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