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Harry was due to come by in an hour to go through ring options. You had managed to get Draco and Blaise to agree to go to The Leaky Cauldron for a few drinks and bring Ron and Phoenix with them to catch up. Hermione, Luna and Pansy were visiting Molly Weasley with Narcissa and Jonathan was working late. You had covered all bases. Everyone thought Harry was catching up on work and that I was having an early night so I was tired so there would hopefully be no interruptions.

You had just finished cleaning the living room when the fireplace roared to live. 

"Hey there gorgeous," Harry smiled as he pulled you into a hug.

"I have missed you Potter," you smile as you squeeze him. "How did it go in Australia?"

"Oh Evee I was a nervous wreck. I wish you could have been there for support. It was bloody awful."

"Well come on. Tell me." You drag him over to the sofa and sit down.

Harry puts his hands in between his legs and begind the story. "Well. The first night we were there we had a takeaway and sat on the beach at the bottom of the Granger's garden. Hermione had made them up a little package with a baby vest inside that said 'I can't wait to meet my Granny & Granda Granger' and a picture of the scan thing."

"Oh how cute!" You smile.

"Yeah her mum cried, which made Hermione cry and then her father cry and it was a whole crying, awkward thing. But they were delighted and said they could see how much we loved each other and they were so excited for us." He took a heavy breath.

"That is awesome Harry. And what about the blessing?"

"It was the second last night and Hermione had went upstairs for a shower so I sat her parents down and told them how much I loved Hermione. How amazing and smart she was and how I was a fool for not noticing it sooner and wasting so much time with her. I explained that this baby was lucky to have an amazing mother and how I would spend the rest of my life making sure she and the baby were perfectly happy and well looked after."

"Aw Harry." You welled up at his words. They were perfect. 

"Then I told them that I didn't want to waste any more time and that I wanted to ask Hermione to marry me and I wanted their blessing before I did. I think they were shocked at first but her mother said I was so lovely to ask them first, very traditional and that she already considered me family."

"And her dad?"

"He was really quiet for a while. I thought he was going to say no but he just smiled and said that he respected me for coming to them and asked me how I planned to do it."

"I am delighted they were so nice about it." You clapped your hands in excitement.

"Me too. I am glad I only have to do that once." He chuckled. "By the way I don't know if I thanked you for doing this for me."

"It was my absolute pleasure."

At that moment Poppy appeared in the doorway with a pop. "Evee, there is a Mr Jameson, Miss Abernathy, Mrs Wikson and Mrs Stewart here to see you. Oh hello Master Harry."

"Hello Poppy, it's nice to see you." Harry waved.

"And you." She smiled at him.

"Thank you so much Poppy. Will you show them in please?"

"Certainly. Bailey is making tea and treats as we speak for all your guests."

"Aw, that is fabulous. Thanks."

She left with another pop. 

"Ready, Harry?" You said standing up to greet your guests.

"I am actually very excited." He beamed.

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