Seeing Him Again

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You have no idea how long you lay on the couch for. Blaise bought you food and drinks but you had no appetite. You couldn't eat, you couldn't sleep. You knew you looked a complete mess but you couldn't bring yourself to care.

Everything was different. Your whole life had changed and it was out of your control.

"Evee please you have to eat something. I am really worried about you."

"No thanks Blaise."

"Please Evee. It's been eight days. You haven't eaten and you have barely drank anything. Everyone comes back this afternoon and they will kill me if they see you like this."

"They are back today?" Shit that meant that Draco and his new girlfriend would be back too.

"Yes so please eat something and get ready. I know he is a complete fucking ass for what he did to you and believe me I will be having words with him but until then, come on."

You stand up and lift a piece of toast to your lips and bite. It tastes awful but you know Blaise is right. He will think you are pathetic if he sees you like this. It will be much worse for him and better for you if you look normal.

Once finished, you down the orange juice and slower stand up and head off to have a shower. You have to admit that you do feel better for it. You dry your hair and put on clean clothes, brush your teeth and head back down to the common room.

"There's my girl. Come here." He hugs you and kisses the top of your forehead. "You got this. Come on. Let's go down to the Great Hall."

He takes your hand and you head down to the Great Hall. You are surprised to see that it's not breakfast being served like you though but lunch, meaning it wouldn't be too long to the train was arriving.

You could feel the bile rise in your throat. You knew you would have to see him sooner or later but you weren't sure if you were ready. Everything had happened so fast.

You had got a letter from Mrs Malfoy telling you how sorry she was to hear about you and Draco splitting up. You were sure there was more but you couldn't bring yourself to read it.

The day after the break up Daphne sent you a letter telling you that she was sorry but maybe it was for the best. You didn't want to hear it. You understood that it was her sister but she was your friend and you didn't want to hear it.

Pretty soon the time had come for the train to come in. "What do you want to do? Do you want to come with me? Personally I think you should to show the ass what he is missing. But it is your choice."

" I will come with you. Might as well get it over with and there is safety in numbers right?"

"You will be fine. I will be with you the entire time."

You head off and are dragging your feet as you make your way down to the train station. You arrive just as the train is pulling into the station. The first one off is Pansy who runs to you and pulls you in for a hug.

"Honey I am so sorry. I had no idea until I saw them on the train. Disgusting if you ask me. I am so sorry."

"Hello lovely. It's good to see you and it is not your fault. You have no reason to be sorry."

Daphne and Theo are next to approach you. "Evee." Theo smiles and pulls you in for a hug.

"Why is everyone so sad looking? Evee I know it sucks but Draco and Tori are very cute together. They were meant to be. I am sorry you are hurting but please do not hate Tori for this. She has always loved Draco."

"Evee!" Hermione smiles at you and pulls you away from Daphne. "Evee what the hell is going on? Why is Astoria Greengrass sitting on Draco's knee and kissing him?"

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