A Crazy Idea

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"Wait go over this with me again, one more time."


"I just...I need to understand it fully."

You stand up and begin to pace again. Hermione, Blaise and Luna are sitting on your parent's bed.

"Narcissa needs our help. She wants to leave Lucius but she is afraid he will come after her. Which you know he will."


"But if we can convince the Ministry to issue a statement that she has died in a terrible accident then she will be free."

"But how will that help? She will have to live in hiding so she is not discovered." Luna asks.

"Only when she is out in public and Narcissa rarely goes out. Only to the teashop in Diagon Alley and the boutique. Most other people come to her." Blaise explains.

"We can help her get her life on track again. Give her the happiness she deserves."

"And how is she to live? She told you she has very little money."

"Well I have tons of it and a house that is too big for just one person."

"What? Live here? With you?" Hermione says shocked.

"Why not? I know it is close to The Malfoy Manor but if you cannot see the manor from here. Our home is completely shielded both visually and magically and only I can give permission for others to enter."

"It could work," Hermione said. "But what about when she is out in public? What about Draco's wedding? Won't she want to be there for that?"

"Of course she will," you answer. "The happiest day in her son's life? Of course she wants to be there. For that we can use Polyjuice Potion."

"Ok now that is crazy!" Hermione laughs.

"We can keep a supply it on hand and she can use it when she needs." You explain.

"And how is she to find someone every time she wants to go anywhere?" Blaise asks.

"We will keep some hairs on standby for when she needs it,"

"And who is it she will be changing into? We don't have a head of hair on standby here."

"Mine," you offer. "She can have as much of mine as she wants."

"And mine," Luna adds.

"Mine too although she may not want it." Hermione shrugs.

"Wow – this might work. Evee have I ever told you that you are amazing?"

"Em...I don't know."

"You are! Evee Daniels, I lo-" Blaise begins but the door bursts open at that moment.

"Blaise I will..." Draco shouts but stops when he sees Luna and Hermione sitting at either side of him and you standing in the middle of the floor. "Kill you for keeping these three ladies up so late. It's nearly midnight."

Blaise, Luna and Hermione burst out laughing.

"Smooth save bro," Blaise chuckles.

"What are you all doing in here?" Draco asks sulking.

"What are you doing outside my door?" you ask.

"Well...em...it's nearly midnight and I wanted you to open your present." He mumbles.

"Oh...sure. It's on my desk over there."

"We will give you some privacy," Hermione smiles.

"We will?" Blaise and Luna complain.

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