Ron and Hermione

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The next morning at breakfast the others were very surprised to see your group sitting together, smiling and chatting like friends who had always been. Draco, Dean, Ginny, Harry and Theo were taking Quidditch. Neville, Luna and Blaise were discussing plants. Daphne and Hermione were doing homework and Pansy and Ron were currently in the middle of an intense game of chess.

You were perfectly content watching everyone wondering how you got so lucky. It was like the past was forgotten and you could finally move forward together.

"Mind if I join you?"

You turn to see Daphne's little sister Astoria standing looking down at you hopefully.

"I would love that Tori."

"I have missed you Evee. How was your summer?" her eyes grew wide. "Oh Evee, I am sorry. What a stupid question!"

"It's ok Tori. It was as good as could be expected. There was a lot to do what with the funeral planning and everything."

"It was a beautiful sermon. Your family would have loved it and would be so proud of how you handled everything." She gave your hand a squeeze.

"Thank you but Narcissa and Draco were a big help. I couldn't have done it without them."

"The Malfoy family are great aren't they?" You knew Tori had a crush on Draco for a while now. Everyone knew. She couldn't talk to him without blushing. It was cute really. Tori felt like family to you. Anytime you were at Daphne's she wanted to hang out with you and she really was a lovely person to be around.

"So Tori. Do you have your eye on anyone this year?" You ask wiggling your eyebrows.

"Oh Merlin, no. I have my OWL's this year so that will be taking priority. My dad also wants me to marry as soon as I turn 17. He is quite annoyed that Theo and Daphne are not engaged yet."

"But you are so young!"

"I know and I do feel a bit annoyed about it sometimes. Like my childhood will be taken away but then I think that I may get the chance to have a relationship like yours and Draco's where he worships me and it doesn't seem so bad then."

"So long as you are happy that's the main thing. You tell whoever he is that he needs my approval as well. You are like family to me Tori."

"Oh I will definitely be asking for your seal of approval when he turns up."

You pour a cup of coffee and slip in some milk as someone beside you pops in a sugar cube.

"Morning love," Draco leans down and kisses you. "Hi Astoria, nice to see you." He smiles at her before turning his attention to you again. "The boys and I are planning on a game of Quidditch this evening after dinner. Will you come and be my good luck charm Evee?"

"Where else would I be but cheering you on love?"

"That's my girl. Do you know how amazing my girl is Astoria? I am very lucky."

"That you are...Draco." Astoria giggles.

There is a sudden commotion from the window and delivery owls begin to swoop in. You recognise your snowy owl instantly. The only pure white owl with a grey star shape on her left wing. Coincidently you named her 'Star' as a result.

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