The truth will set you free

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You were leaving your last ever exam in Hogwarts. You were feeling confident that you had at least passed them and would be leaving school with at least good grades.

As a treat, the older years where given a free week to do whatever they wanted before graduation. The 5th and 6th years mostly opted to go home but the 7th years chose to stay knowing that this was their last chance to really take in the castle and all it's beauty before they were let lose upon the magical world.

Of course Astoria chose to stay behind with Draco and made her two friends stay with her. Apparently she has been trying to stay in his dorm room every night but he won't have it.

It would be easier for him if he would just give into her. You have no idea why he isn't.

The sun was shining on a glorious June afternoon and you had no where in particular to be meaning you were casually walking around the grounds taking in every bit of the view you could.

Your friends were all sitting on the grass beside the lake enjoying the sun when Hermione and Luna called you over. You smile at everyone as you sit and notice Astoria glaring at you looking rather unimpressed by your presence.

You watch as Hermione steals glances at Harry as he chats with Theo. You smile as you watch her turn away and then notice Harry look over at her and blush.

Oh Merlin, those two are cute together.

Astoria reaches into her bag and pulls out a cupcake. "Draco darling, I made this for you."

"Why?" he catches your eye.

"Because it is a little token of my love for you."

"I don't really like cupcakes."

She pouts and puts on a baby face. "I made this especially – or rather a house elf did but I supervised. Still I insist you eat it. I have added a little something extra to it."

He rolled his eyes and takes the cupcake from her. He smells it and turns up his nose. Chocolate favour was never one he really liked. But to be polite he took a bite.

"How is it?" She asks.

"It's...em...well awful to be frank. I do not like chocolate and there seems to be another flavour – perfume almost.'

"I...what? But how do you feel?"

"I bloody wish you would stop that bloody childish voice and pouting. It makes you even more frigging annoying."

He looks a little shocked at his own words but makes no apology.

Hermione giggles behind your back. "It's working," she whispers. "But she needs to eat it too."

"How?" you whisper.

"Astoria?" she asks.

"What do you want?" she sneers at Hermione.

"I was wondering if you liked Chocolate?"

"Of course! Stupid!"

"Well you may want to eat it before Theo does," Harry adds as if figuring out what you two were up to.

"No he can't!" she squeaks and shoves the rest of the cupcake in her mouth.

Hermione beams as she swallows it.

"Astoria, how do you feel about me?" Hermione asks.

She looks at her surprised. "While I do not agree with the Dark Lord's ways. He was violent and cruel. I do believe that there are different class levels and that we are above you. Then there are some families like Wesley's and of course Daniel's who disrespect the class they had been given. I would not disrespect my own class level. But you are beneath me. You shouldnt be at the same school as us PureBloods. There should be 3 schools:
PureBloods taught full magic
Half-Bloods taught most magic but not as much as us.
Muggleborns who should be taught limited magic to allow them to serve the higher classes."

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