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Opening the door to the bookstore you step inside as Hermione makes a beeline for the new arrivals section and Luna heads off to the zoologists section.

You get a tap on your shoulder and turn to see Phoenix smiling. "Hello again Evee. It is good to see you. And you brought company."

"Hello Phoenix. I certainly did. Phoenix, this is Ginny Weasley. Ginny this is Phoenix."

"It is a pleasure Ginny."

"I...well...thanks," she squeaks.

"Are you in today for anything in particular," he asks her.

Ginny blushes fiercely.

"Oh Hermione wanted to check out the new arrivals...you know how she is," you pipe up.

He laughs as this but doesn't take his eyes off Ginny.

A woman walks to the counter to purchase a book. "Excuse me ladies I will be back," he smiles at Ginny and walks away.

You turn to Ginny and smack the back of her head. "What is wrong with you?"

"I don't know. He makes me nervous!"

"He was trying to talk and you didn't respond!"

"Words just wouldn't come out!"

"Ginerva Weasley, get your act together! You are a gorgeous and amazing woman and it should be him that is nervous, not you!"


"Yes! Now bloody pull yourself together, here he comes."

Phoenix arrived back, this time with another boy. "Ladies, this is my friend Dylan. Dylan, this is Evee and Ginny."

"Nice to meet you. Do you work here too?" you ask.

"Merlin no. I just like to come and torture Phoenix. I was travelling with him when we had to come back. I am waiting for him so we can head off again. Hopefully his father will be back on his feet soon. Today we are heading into London and I am trying to convince him to come to watch Quidditch try outs in a few weeks."

"Who is trying out?" you ask.

"The Holyhead Harpies." He beams.

"We then you will see Ginny there."

"Wait!" Phoenix says, "Are you trying out?"

"Yeah I am."

"What position do you play?"


"Awesome! Then I am definitely in." Phoenix smiles. "That is my favourite position. I was a keeper myself. Not quick enough for seeker I am afraid. I do love to read about the science behind the game though. We have a few books on Quidditch that may interest you. I can show you if you have the time?"

"That would be amazing! Lead the way," she took his arm and they walked off as Harry, Draco and Blaise arrived.

Draco caught your eye feeling looking very guilty. In truth the strike did not hurt anymore. But your heart still did. He let his anger get the better of him and he called you a bitch. Never had he even looked badly at you when you were dating and now he was insulting you.

He looked from you to the boy beside and leaned up against the wall watching and sulking as Blaise and Harry went off to find the girls.

"So Evee, what year are you in?"

"I am redoing 7th year – you know because of the war and all."

"Oh that's good that you get to go back. Are you enjoying it?"

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