Ready to Party

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You arrive into Kings cross and your friends and you head to the Apparition point and the edge of the platform to head home.

"Remember guys you are Apparating to the gatehouse alright? I have to let you each onto the property."

"So how are the guests getting in tonight?" Ron asks.

"Well we are lifting the shields for the night and as Kingsley will be there we are getting Auror protection."

"Kingsley Shacklebolt will be there?" Harry asks looking impressed.

"Yes he is a friend of the family. Ok so I think we should split up. Hermione, Blaise, Luna and I will take groups of two as we were there recently and know exactly where we are going."

"Ok Blaise, you take Theo and Daphne. Hermione you take Ron and Pansy. Luna you take Ginny and-"

"Ginny!" a voice calls and she turns around smiling.

"Phoenix! You made it." She reaches out and hugs him as he kisses her cheek.

"Just about. Sorry but I had to wait on Dylan."

"He is here too?" Draco moaned.

"No, he was covering in the shop for me." Phoenix smiles before kissing Ginny's cheek again.

"Everyone this is Phoenix. Hermione will you introduce everyone?" Ginny smiles as she makes her way to you.

"Do you mind at all Evee? I am sorry but we have been writing – properly this time and he came to see me at try-outs and asked me out," she whispered.

"Not at all he is more than welcome." You turn to Phoenix who is shaking Theo's hand. "Hello again, Phoenix."

"Hello beautiful. It's good to see you again."

"You too. I hear you went to the try outs after all?"

"I did. And I am very glad I did."

"And how was our Ginny? I mean I know she was great because she made it on the team but I assume you watched her?"

"Oh yes I was. I was cheering loudly for her. Dylan and me."

"Dylan went with you?" you ask as Draco watches you trying to read your face.

"Oh yes. He had lots of questions to ask Ginny about you. I even met Ginny's parents and her brother."

"Which one?"

"Which one? How any does she have?"

"Em five."

"Five?! Mother of Merlin! Oh well I met George."

"Well Ron is the youngest of the boys in her house." You smile gesturing to Ron who waves at him. "Ok Luna you take Ginny and Phoenix and that leaves Harry and Draco who can come with me if that's ok?"

"Perfect!" Harry smiles.

"Well there is no need to hang about here much longer. If everyone is ready we will head off now. It is already 4.20pm so we need to get settled before the party starts."

"Ok let me take everyone's trunks." Hermione waves her wand and shrinks everyone's trunks before picking them up and popping them into her backpack.

"Ok everyone, see you in a minute." You smile as you take Binx's carrier and hold out your elbows for Draco and Harry to take. You tuned on the spot and disappeared with a faint pop, reappearing at the gates to your home with the other three groups joining you shortly after.

The gatehouse can be seen but to any passer-bys it looks like an abandoned little cottage at the edge of a thick forest.

"Welcome to Daniels Manor. I Evelyn Daniels give permission for Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Phoenix Hennerson, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott and Harry Potter to enter my home. Omnes pares sumus."

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