Facing The Music

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Stepping into the family room is like stepping into a party. There are lots of raised voices as everyone tried to speak to you at once. Everyone is staring and it becomes a little overwhelming. You step back and up against Draco. He instinctively wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer.

"Will you all stop swarming around her like a pack on the prowl. Back up and give her some air." Luna snaps.

Everyone does and they are asked and backs up sitting themselves back down where they were. Andromeda (Narcissa) is the first to step up and hug you. "I am going to ring the Minister and Auror Jonathan and tell them you are safe. I am glad you are ok Evee," she smiles with a hint of a tear in her eye and you kiss her cheek before she leaves the room.

Blaise is the next on his feet. He pulls you into a bone crushing hug before setting you back down. "Evee you are family to me. Like a loveable little sister that I could never be without. You helped me find my love, you gave me a home when I had no where to go and you gave me my dream job. Not to mention you saved my Luna from that night. I can never repay you for your kindness except vow to always be there for you no matter what. You are my family and you always will be. I am eternally sorry if you thought otherwise even for a second."

"Thank you Blaise," you smile and kiss his cheek.

Harry is next to stand up. "Evee you are a great friend. If it wasn't for you being stubborn I would never have had the courage to ask Hermione out and I am forever grateful that I did. It may not have worked out between us romantically," Draco growled at this, "because we were both in love with other people. But I value your friendship more than I could say or explain to you."

You hugged him tightly before letting him go as he trotted back to Hermione's side as she smiled at you. "I already said my piece. You know I love you."

"As do I," Ron stood and kissed the top of your head. "I am not one for these grand gestures...makes me nervous but you know I love you..as a friend" he quickly added and smiled at Pansy who giggled.

"Evee losing your friendship last year was bloody awful. You were such a good friend to us and I couldn't believe the things that I did to you. The emotional and physical pain I caused. I have no excuse for it other than a moment of pure insanity but you are an amazing friend. One that I am beyond grateful that I have a second chance at. You are definitely not a burden to us you are a gift." Pansy was crying as she hugged you tightly and whispered "I love you".

"Love you Pans."

"Alright alright my turn woman...off to the corner again with you," Theo smacked Pansy's arm and shooed her away. "Ok now for my grand gesture....you ready?" you giggle at him. "I Theodore Nott do hereby promise to love you like a brother and look out for you all the days of my fantastic existence." He winked at you as he took your hands and became serious.

"In all seriousness, Evee I do love you. I am sorry for what happened this morning. You are an amazing woman and I cherish you as part of my family. Look around the room, everyone here loves you and is lucky to have you in their lives. They know it and I know it. What Daphne said? She took everything out of context. What me and her talked about was how different our lives would have been if you had left school that night." You look at you feet but he uses his free hand to lift your chin. "Yes it would have been very different but we BOTH agreed, not in a good way. We wouldn't have this little group of randomness that we have here and that is something neither me nor Daphne could live without. We love you all. You are our real family. I do not want you to ever feel like you don't belong or are a burden because if anything it is us who are burdening you."

"Not at all Theo. I love each and everyone of you."

Theo looked behind him and his temper rose. "Are you going to say anything or are you going to sit there while everyone else fixes your mess?" You slapped his arm and gave him an angry glare.

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