Meeting Rachelle

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The following morning you headed off to work as usual and when the boys left for their meeting with the caged bird in tow, you headed over to Luna's office.

"Morning Evee, this is a nice surprise," Hermione said from behind her desk. Katie gave you a wave while Daniel hid as far behind his stack of papers as he could.

"Morning I just need a word with Luna. Is she in?"

"Yes her and Blaise are in there." Katie pointed to her door.

You knocked and stepped into the office. "Ready to go?" you ask. Luna looks paler than usual and you can tell she is very nervous.

"I suppose so," she mutters.

"Do we need backup?" Blaise asked. "I mean the place we are going, is it dangerous?"

"No Blaise we will be fine." Luna assures him.

"Let's head off." You open the door and step out into the room again. "Hermione if Draco comes looking me will you tell him that Luna and I had to take Blaise home and we will be back in about an hour – two tops."

"Are you ok Blaise?"

"Just a problem with the antique shop that I need his help looking into."

"No problem at all. I hope you get things sorted."

"Me too. See you later everyone."

The three of you make your way down to the foyer and over to the nearest fireplace. The Ministry fireplaces are huge so you have no trouble squeezing the three of you in.

"Where to?" Blaise asks.

"St Mungo's Hospital," Luna says loudly as she throws the powder down.

The three of you step out into the entrance of the hospital. It was very busy with healers and patients wondering around chatting. Luna makes her way to the front desk as the witch behind the counter looks up smiling.

"How can I help you today?"

"We would like to visit Mrs Reilly please?"


"Luna Lovegood, Evee Daniels and Blaise Zabinni."

"Perfect, now I need the three of you to deposit your wands. You will entering our long term patient ward and we do not allow wands on the ward."

"Sure," you smile and hand over your wand as Luna and Blaise do the same.

"Alright you can collect these as you leave. Now you head through these doors and up the stairs. You take right at the top of the stairs and Rachelle's room is the third – Room 103. Take this you won't get into her room without a keycard."

"Thank you Ms," you smile as you take the card from her.

You walk through the doors and head off up the stairs before turning right. You are now in what looks like a very long corridor that rounds off in the distance and out of sight.

The first room you pass is 101 where you can hear singing and clapping as a piano plays. Through the glass you can see a patient sitting at a piano as two nurses clap along to him performing.

Room 102 seems to be omitting a dark fog of some sort but the nurse walking out of the room is laughing as she does. You look through the glass in the doorway. The fog is actually purple and is pouring from the man's nose and mouth. It does not seem to be bothering him as he sits in his chair and reads his paper and laughing to himself. Either he can't see the fog or he is well used to it.

The next is Room 103. Looking through the glass you see a woman sitting in a armchair by the window staring out into the world below. You raise the keycard. "Are you sure about this?" Luna asks.

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