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You sit on the dock and remove your shoes letting your toes dip into the cool water below.

You have no idea how long you sit there but the sun has set and the moon is high in the sky so you know it has gotten very late.

It suddenly dons on you that you never opened Draco's gift to you. You remove your wand from your sleeve and give it a flick "Accio present". You hear a humming sound and turn to see the present zooming towards you landing perfectly on your lap. You also see Draco watching you from the balcony just off his room.

You flick your wand again and conjure his present up, making it appear next to him on the balcony wall.

You turn to open the gift. It is a small box. Inside is a locket necklace. It is one that you saw months ago when in Hogwarts and told Draco how much it looked like the one your mother wore everyday. She loved it so much that you made sure she was buried with it.

This one was in Hogsmeade and was almost identical. You took it out of the box and opened it. Inside was a picture of your family and opposite a picture of you and Draco.

"Oh my," you whisper as you put the necklace on and hold the end tight in your hands. You take your mobile phone out of your bag to send a thank you message to Draco.

"Thank you my dearest Draco. This means more to me than I could ever explain! I love it. I love you."

"What is that?" Harry asks coming to stand behind you.

You look up to see him and Hermione standing holding hands. "Oh is my mobile. I was just sending a thank you message for Draco for the gift he gave." You look up at him and he has a very shocked look on his face as his mother walks towards him.

"You have a mobile?"

"Yeah...em...Blaise bought it for me. He bought Draco, himself and Luna one as well."

"And me," Hermione adds.

"You too?"

"Yeah he bought them when we came to stay here with Evee the weekend of her birthday so everyone who was here got one. They have been very handy actually."

"Maybe I need to get one too."

"This is lovely to see," you smile gesturing to their clasped hands.

Harry puts his hand around Hermione and pulls her to him kissing her forehead. "All thanks to you Evee. I was so nervous that she would reject me that I wasn't sure what do you but you forced my hand and I can never thank you enough for doing it."

"I am glad you are finally together."

"And what about you and Draco? I couldn't help but see that message. You told him you loved him." Hermione smirks.

"I do. I love him."

All three of you turn to look up at the balcony. Andi (Narcissa) is there but no Draco. He has gone.

"Well I guess that settles it. He has probably already left."

"Evee I am sorry," Hermione takes your hand.

"Thanks. But I knew it was a long shot. Maybe too much has happened." You shrug. "Maybe not everyone can have their happy ending. In any case I am glad you both got yours."

"Evee!" Theo shouted. "People are heading home, where have you been?"

"I am coming!" You turn to the couple. "I better go and play host. But this, you two, it is great. I am delighted for you."

You head off across the grounds and back into the hall again. You make your way to the foyer to see your guests off. Slipping your heels on when you finally stand between Blaise and Theo.

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