The Most Bizzare Dream

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Narcissa lowers her wand finally having dealt the blow that finally stopped Lucius Malfoy. Once and for all. 

But no one is focusing on Lucius. Everyone watches with gut wrenching pain in their eyes as you feel Draco lower you into his arms. He is sobbing. Pain, which hadn't yet found it's way to your brain to register suddenly floods through you like your body is on fire. Spreading through every muscle, every organ as you gasp for breath.

"No Evee no no no!" Draco sobs.

"Sshh it is ok love," you raise your hand to his cheek to soothe him as you gasp again.

"Stand back everyone," Angelina shouts. "Draco we need to take her to the hospital now before it is too late." He nods lifting you into his arms as he stands with the help of Blaise. She holds onto you as she apparates taking all three of you with her.

The brightest lights you have ever seen shine down into your eyes making you shut them tight to avoid the harshness. Still gasping as the pain courses through you.

"I need help over here!" Angelina shouts. She begins taking to another healer explaining what happened to you and the extent of your wounds. A junior healer comes racing towards you with a trolley. Draco places you down and kisses you.

"I love you Evee, hang on!" he pleads as tears stream down his face. You want to comfort him. Want to let him know that everything will be alright but the burning that pumped through your body seemed to also paralyze you. You can't move.

You watch as the healers rush you away as Draco falls to the floor crying. Blaise drops to his knees to comfort him. You don't take your eyes off him as you are wheeled down what feels like the longest corridor in existance. You can see Draco scream but all you can hear is a ringing in your ear and what feels like your heartbeat getting fainter and fainter.

As soon as Draco is out of sight you close your eyes and feel yourself succumb to your wounds.

Draco will be fine. Blaise has him. He will be fine. That is all that matters.

You begin to see a flash of images in your mind. Like having one of those dreams where you know you are dreaming.

You see yourself walking into your dining room. The table is missing and instead rose petals line the floor. You see your family standing in front of you leading you outside. Other people are surrounding them as well. The family members that never made it to this point.

Your mum and dad stand holding hands smiling. They hug you and kiss you before passing you along to your sister and Malcolm who both hug you. Malcolm passes you to Cedric who kisses your cheek before enveloping you in a bear hug. He kisses your forehead before leading your hand out to Fred who kisses you before giving you his cheeky smirk and kissing your hand. He then leads you to Severus Snape. You leap into his arms as he kisses your forehead.

You stand back and look at the people who mean the world to you. You miss every single one of them more than you could put into words. But seeing them here watching you, looking happy and at peace, it is comforting in a way.

You walk outside and look around the gardens. Everything looks the same but different. Like you are seeing it all for the first time. You look down towards the pond and that is when you see him.

Draco Malfoy.

Your reason for being. Your best friend, your partner in crime and the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with...however long that will be.

You approach him and look into his eyes. There is a tear falling down his cheek which you reach up to catch. He looks at you and squeezes your hand.

"Please wake up Evee," he begs.

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