To Family

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The party is in full swing. Everyone seems to be pretty drunk at this stage so no one has noticed that you, Luna and Hermione are not in fact drinking anything other than water.

Ginny and Pansy are drooling over Daphne as she describes details of the wedding to them. Theo, Phoenix, Ron and Blaise are talking about houses and where Theo and Daphne should look for their future home.

Hermione and Harry are snuggled up on the sofa in whispered conversation – clearly about the baby as Harry keeps feeling her non existent bump. Draco and Luna and having an intense looking conversation in the corner.

You have been watching your friends for the past hour, busy in your own thoughts. The conversations and music make the whole room very loud and you are struggling to hear yourself even think. So, you pick up your bag and decide to sneak off and down the stairs to the kitchen. Placing the bag on the floor you use your wand to widen the opening and step inside climbing down the stairs.

You snuggle up on the sofa of your little hideout, enjoying the quieter atmosphere. Although you can still hear your friends it is more of a muffled whisper now than how loud it was before. You flick your wand and magic a flame inside the glass jar on the coffee table – a trick Hermione taught you. Hearing the flickering of the flame brought a sense of calmness to you. Like a fire would.

Pulling the blanket off the edge of the sofa you close your eyes just to enjoy the blissful moment.


The moment is gone.

You turn and look up the stairs realising you forgot to close the bag opening again and see Draco step in and make his way down the stairs.

"Am I in your handbag?"

"Em yeah....Luna helped me make it. Kind of like her case only there are no animals in here. I don't think anyway."

He moves towards the couch. "Mind if I sit?"

"Of course not," you move to make room for him.

He plops down right next to you as you swing the blanket around you both. "Evee did you mean what you said about not wanting to bring a man into your life?"

Of all the things you thought (or even wished) he would say in this moment – that was not one of them. You think about your answer.

"If someone were to come into my life he would have to accept the past that I have. Losing my family, the battle, losing you, the kidnap, the makes for a rather dramatic play don't you think. It is just a lot for someone to have to deal with."

"You deal with it."

"I don't have a choice. This is my life. It may not have turned out the way I expected but it is all I have."

"What did you expect?"

You think carefully before deciding to just tell the truth. "I expected to graduate and move to the city to an apartment or something where my parents could come and visit. Maybe somewhere close to Evangeline and Malcolm. I expected to have my boyfriend who I had been dating for two years to move with me and we would be working and busy. He would probably have asked my parents for permission to propose and by now we would probably planning a wedding."

"That was a great plan."

"It was but none of it came to be. I lost my parents, then I lost my sister and brother in law and then I lost you. You were all I had left and I lost you and I was broken. I thought I would never meet someone else. Then we got back together and it was great. This past summer with you was amazing. And then I got kidnapped and I was so scared that I would have my second chance at a happy ever after taken from me."

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