Moving Day

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"Merlin, Hermione what on earth is in this box?" Ron moaned as he dragged it down the hall. Phoenix levitating two behind him. 

"Just some books I think," she shrugged before lifting the box herself and carrying it into the drawing room as if it weighed nothing at all making Ron blush. 

You had been to Grimmauld Place before when your mother took you to visit during the summer before 5th year. This was the summer after Cedric had died and your mum thought it would be a good idea to get out of the house so she brought you to stay for a few days. Somewhere safe. Plus it meant that she got to see Molly Weasley and Severus while dad visited with Sirius and Dumbledore.

The place was very dark back then and had the distinct smell of dust, damp and mould. But you and Hermione had spent the last week redecorating the walls and changing the furniture,

Narcissa was a complete saviour and came one night and somehow managed to get the portrait of Mrs Black off the wall. It turned out that only a blood relative could remove it. Once that was safely put into the basement along with many others we stripped the walls and painted every room. The whole house now looked completely different. It actually looked like a family home.

Hermione was moving with Harry as planned long before they were a couple. Ron was moving in as well but not another few weeks. You thought that the reason for that might have been to do with his mothers cooking more than anything else.

Luna had decided to stay with us to be with family. I would say Blaise might have swayed the vote a bit too.

"Harry, where do you want this?" Pansy asks levitating a rectangular box.

"I think that is one of Hermione's new bookcases." He said scratching his head.

"Oh that is for the living room," Hermione smiled as she followed Pansy into the living room.

"Watch out everyone," Draco calls as he and Theo carry in a mattress. "This is for the master bedroom right?"

"Yeah, thanks, first floor on the left."

You levitate a few boxes upstairs to what will be the guest room. It is all furniture that needs to be built so you raise your wand "convenit" you say and watch as the pieces of wood begin to join themselves together and the screws turn into place.

It takes about 30 seconds but as you finish there are two white wooden bedside tables now sitting at either side of a white wooden bed. You cast the same spell on two more boxes, which make up a dresser and a wardrobe.

Adding the cushions, sheets and duvets from the boxes you finish off the room with the paintings Hermione gave you and a large round mirror above the dresser and head back downstairs.

"Guest room is finished," you smile entering the kitchen. Daphne hands you a cup of tea, which you gladly accept and sit down next to Ron. "Thanks," you smile and clink cups with Ron as he gives you a side hug.

Mrs Weasley comes bustling into the kitchen at that moment with trays of food for everyone. "Now kids, let's get you all fed. I have sandwiches in this tray. Ham and cheese, cheese and tomato, tuna, corn beef and chicken. Take your pick. This one has a selection of cakes, buns and cookies all freshly baked."

"Thank you Mrs Weasley," you say as she pats your hair and smiles at you.

"Guys this place is looking great," Pansy laughs as she sits down at the other side of Ron with her cup.

"Yeah," Hermione smiles. "The kitchen is done, the living room, guest bedroom, Ron's bedroom, dining room, bathroom and our bedroom. We accomplished quite a bit for one morning. Thank Merlin for Magic. Oh Harry before I forget, they man came round with the bill for the electric and heating installation."

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