Fresh Hell

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At the doorway you see Blaise and Pansy having another row. You slip past trying not to interrupt them.

Luna is standing in the corner looking a little lost. "Hey love, you ok?"

"Yeah. I have spent most of the night with Blaise having a great time but he is away off with Pansy so here I am. Evee what am I going to do. I really think I am falling for him." She sniffs.

"Oh babes," you pull her close and hug her.

"Evee, I think I love him. I love him and he is with someone else."

"I know the feeling love."

You stand like that for a while. You see Draco walk back into the hall and march up to you both.

"Evee, I don't care about As- Luna? What is wrong?"

"Talk to Draco, Luna and tell him everything. Maybe he can help?" You move her off you and onto Draco. You know he won't be able to help and that he will be uncomfortable but whatever he was going to say you don't want to hear it.

"Evee, want to dance?" Harry asks from beside you.

"I am all yours," you smile and take his hand hearing Draco groan.

The music is upbeat so you dance with him, Hermione, Ron, Padma, Pavarti, her date and Viktor forgetting everything that happened when you went outside.

When a slow song starts Harry moves to you and puts out his hand, which you again take. You twirl around as he puts both hands on your waist as you wrap your hands around his neck.

"Enjoy the fresh air?"

"Well I probably should have stayed inside but it was needed."

"Em..That's good," he says sounding confused. "Have you had a good night?"

"You know Harry Potter, I have. You are great company."

"You too Evee. It has been a pretty good date hasn't it?"

"It has," you smile.

"Evee, you deserve all the happiness in the world. I have never met someone as amazing as you. It is a joy to see you smile again. It's like the old Evee is slowly resurfacing."

"I am getting better. I have a long way to go but everyday it gets a little better."

"I am glad to hear it."

"And you? How are you since you and Ginny?"

"It is a little awkward. I mean her family have been so good to me and her mum was devastated but there was just no spark between us. We are great friends and I adore her but I couldn't see a future with her."

"So long as you are happy Harry."

"I am Evee. I really am."

"Well then that is all that matters. You will find someone special. Someone you can picture a future with. You will get butterflies every time you see them and your whole face will light up. Like being with them, even standing next to them makes everything better and your only wish is that they are happy."

"That is exactly what I want."

"Well don't stop looking until you find it."

"How did you get to be so smart?"

"I have no clue. My parents maybe?"

"What were your parents like?"

"Well my dad was a bloody genius. He worked for the Ministry as Head of the Auror department. He was brave and strong but had a heart of gold. He didn't believe in blood status. He said that our world should be open to all who wanted to learn.

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