Evelyn Daniels :: Philosopher Of Magic.

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You ready?" Draco says offering out his hand.

You look up. You have been to the Ministry many times before but now, knowing that you worked here, it felt even more special.

You were a bag of nerves and excitement at the possibilities that lay ahead of you. Blaise, Theo and Daphne thought you were crazy to work when you didn't need to. The men's stores were as popular as ever and the women's line had really taken off. Narcissa and Andromeda were quite the businesswomen.

The antique store was also doing well. Blaise was thriving in his new role. Searching up and down the country for valuable objects. He had been on many trips completing what he called 'picking'. To you it sounded like rifling through people's junk to find things. He called it a dealers dream.

He was happy and that was the main thing. Buying his family home to save it from being repossessed was a huge sacrifice. But he did it for his mother. So she wouldn't lose her home. She didn't ask him to but that made what he did even more of a sacrifice and you were proud of him for it.

But you had more money than you could ever spend in one lifetime and yet you still wanted to work. The real reason was that you wanted to make a difference in the world.

Plus being around your friends was not a bad reason either.

"I am ready," you smile and take his hand.

You set off together, with Luna in tow and head inside. You had been studying your little map from Hermione so you have a fair idea of where you are headed. The place is already bustling with employees already.

During the war, the Ministry building took a real beating. The once dark green tiles that lined the walls and floors were cracked and smashed. Glass was broken and the once beautiful fountain was transformed to a beacon of evil.

This last year the employees had worked tirelessly to restore the building to it's former glory. Actually they exceeded expectations. Beautiful cream and gold marble flooring now lay under your feet. Large pillars were erected along the entryway open up to the large circular lobby. The ceiling was arched and again cream marble. Engraved into the ceiling were gold lettering of the names of every single person who died during both battles. Every witch, wizard, muggle, house elf, centaur, troll and any other creature. All written beautifully, all equal.

You stop at the small little coffee dock by the elevators. "Anyone want a coffee before we head up? We are actually 30 minutes early."

"Whose fault is that?" Draco chuckled.

"Oh Merlin, you too?" Harry and Hermione approached you as you waited in line. "Mate we are both whipped."

"Don't I know it," Draco said rolling his eyes.

"Everyone ready for their first day?" Hermione said practically giddy.

"I am very excited to get started." Luna dreamily said. "I think I will have a hot chocolate. I am not a coffee lover." She put her hand into her bag and took out her purse.

"No it's my treat," you wink at her and turn to Harry and Draco. "Boys, what will it be?"

"Just a cappuccino for me thanks," Harry smiled.

"A cappa what?" Draco asked looking bewildered.

"It's a type of coffee. It has like a foamy top to it." You explain.

"What about just regular coffee?" he asks.

"That would be an Americano."

"I think I will have a latte please," Hermione smiles.

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