Coming Home

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You wave good-bye and head off after Narcissa and Draco. "How is father? Are you ok?" you hear Draco ask.

"He is...difficult. But thankfully I rarely see him. He is busy with Mr Greengrass making plans to combine the two businesses."

"Really? Why?"

"They are planning a takeover. They are up to something. That is why they want you to marry Astoria so that they have even more power with the two combined families."

Draco groans.

"Enough of this talk. How are you?"


"I can tell. What are you waiting for son?"

"What do you mean?"

"You do not love Astoria but you are still with her. Why?"

"Mother if I break off this engagement to Astoria, what will that mean for you? You know father's terms. If I marry her you will be left alone. If I do not go through with it you will be cast out of the family."

"Draco did you ever ask me what I want?"


Narcissa stopped walking and turned to face you both. "I do not want to be married to your father. I would rather be penniless and happy than rich and miserable."

"But how would you-"

"I would get by somehow."

"No I need to keep you safe. I need you to be ok."

You reach the front doors to the school and you stop to let them say goodbye in private.

"There he is. I need to get a tracker for that boy," Astoria laughs coming to stand beside you.

"He is just saying goodbye to his mother. We are leaving?"

"You are going too?" she asked sounding a little too hopeful.

"Looking rid of me Astoria?"

"Sorry that was rude. I will admit that it will be nice to have Draco pay attention to me for once and not be on the lookout for you all the time."

"I am sorry Tori."

"It is not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for. He will always love you. I have to learn to live with that. You were my friend before you became the 'other woman' in my man's life."

This took you by surprise. She made sound like you were trying to steal Draco away from her. You had always gotten along very well with Tori. You loved her like a sister but she had changed lately. She had become entitled.

"Well I better go. Cissy and I have business to take care of. Pity Draco couldn't come like he wanted to."


Low blow Evelyn Daniels low blow. You shook your head at your own silliness.

"Look after my girl," Draco says.

You look at him to respond but he is looking at your mum who answers "always."

He hugs her before pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. "Happy Birthday lo-Evee! I have a small present in your backpack for you" he says as he sets you back on your feet and kisses your cheek.

"Thank you Draco."

You wave him off as you and Narcissa head out of the gates.

"WAIT!!" you hear someone shout from behind you. "Please wait!"

Hermione, Luna and Blaise come bounding towards you. "What's wrong?"

"We are coming with you," Luna smiles.

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