Chats with Narcissa

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There wasn't much to report on the rest of the summer. You spent most of your time drawing designs for the labels and checking out samples with Narcissa and Andromeda.

Poor Draco was not enjoying being a guinea pig for you.

When the designs were finalised and the winter collection was taken care of (well from your end anyway – now the hard work began in the factory) you and Draco spent the days lounging in the garden, swimming in the pool or reading by the pond.

Luna and Blaise had gone on holiday with Mrs Zabini and her new husband to get to know him better.

You really enjoyed the time you had alone with him as it gave you a chance to catch up on the few months you had missed together. When Draco was with Astoria you thought you would never feel this content again. Not for a long time anyway.

Being with Draco was easy in a sense that you and he were both very similar. You enjoyed the same books, music, food and being on your own had made you very excited for your future together.

Would he ask you to marry him? How would he do it? You had never given much thought before to the whole idea of marriage. It was a dream you thought was a long way off. But lately you have been thinking about it more and more.

Draco and you had only just gotten back together and you knew that you had told him that you wanted to take it slow. But your feelings had changed. Now you could see the future you could have with him and you wanted it more than anything else.

You were ready. But was he?

You were reading on the dock of the pond in your garden one afternoon, lying up against Draco. "Is that book any good?" you asked as he turned the page and sighed. It was a black cover with gold lettering and you had never seen it before.

"I am enjoying it, yes."

"What is it?"

"Well I heard you talk about it before and mentioning that it was your favourite so I thought I would give it a go. It's Little Women."

You sit up abruptly. "You are reading Little Women?"


"And liking it?"

"So far."

"Where are you?"

"Jo has just headed to New York after refusing Laurie. Silly girl."

"Why do you say that?"

"He loved her."

"And she loved him but not in the way he wanted her to. She couldn't just marry him because he thought he loved her. At this stage she isn't even sure what love is. She is his best friend and it would ruin what they had if she was to say yes to him. They would be an awful couple. He needs a proper woman. Not a free woman like Jo."

"But she should have married him. It's what everyone wants."

"And should you do something because everyone wants you to? If that was the case you would be planning your wedding to Astoria right now. Not me."

"Am I planning a wedding with you?" Draco says as his eyes light up.

"Oh. Well...sorry I just meant that instead of being with me, you know?" you say quickly to cover yourself.

"Is marrying me that bad of an idea?" He sulks.

"Not at all! I didn't mean it like that I –"

"Don't worry Evee. I was only messing with you. I know you are not ready for t-"

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