Arriving Back Home

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When the train pulls into the station, Draco stands and lifts your bag along with his, and you both head off to the carriages. As you approach the carriage, you suddenly stop. The carriage, which usually pulls itself to the castle, now has some sort of animal harnessed to them.

"What are they?" you hear Daphne ask behind you.

"Eww" Pansy retorts.

The beasts were quite repulsive to look at, but at the same time you found something quite peaceful about them...something tranquil.

"Those are Thestrals...they have always pulled the carriage," Blaise says, answering the curious looks of the group.

"What? Nothing pulled the carriages before."

"Yes they did. You never saw them before because only those who have saw death can see these things."

"Wow, how morbid," you answer as Draco helps you into the carriage. Everyone else remains silent.

The fact that every one of us could see these animals stood as proof to just how horrific the battle truly was and how much everyone had been through...on both sides.

I lost my whole family, Pansy lost her dad, Daphne lost her mum, Theo lost his brothers and Blaise lost his two uncles.

Draco may not have lost his parents, but he suffered just as much. He lost his childhood long before the rest of us lost ours.

The feast as usual was magnificent and everyone ate more than what may have been necessary. As the last forks and spoons were set down and with everyone feeling very sleepy, Professor McGonagall stood up to the podium.

Now that she was headmistress, you wondered how much the school was going to change.

"Welcome to you all. I am so proud and grateful to be standing before you all once again in our school. Now as you all know, and I am sure I do not have to delve into too much detail, this historic school has been through a lot these last few months."

"The fact that this building is still standing today is both a testament to its students and their families, as it is to the teachers who spent weeks rebuilding the castle and bringing order back to his halls."

You had helped rebuild the school yourself after you were finally out of bed. It felt good to restore the castle, your former home, again.

"Hogwarts thanks each and every one of you who volunteered. Now, a new start calls for some changes to be made. The founders of this school believed the four houses would allow for healthy competition between the students, but in recent years this has caused a divide amongst you."

"This year, I want to tear down the walls that separate you. So it has been decided that the houses are only for the 1st – 5th years. Older students in year 6 will be amalgamated together, as will year 7."

"You have been through so much together that I feel it wrong to divide you up at this time. You will also find that there are no Head Boy or Girl this year, as it was much too difficult a decision to make given how much0 each of you have contributed to the wizarding world recently."

"Make no mistake, there will still be Prefects, and they will still have duties to uphold."

Great! You thought, rolling your eyes. You didn't exactly like your Prefect duties, as you hated having to dish out punishments. Unlike Draco, who seemed to love it.

"All Year 6 will follow Madame Pomfrey to your new dormitories up by the hospital wing. Year 7 stays behind as I would like a word, and then I shall be bringing you to your new chambers."

There was a lot of noise as the 1st to 6th years left the hall, leaving only a few of us behind. McGonagall made her way to the middle of the room and motioned for us to join her.

"Now everyone. Again, I want to say thank you for everything you have done for this school. It would not have been possible without your help. I want to remind you that absolutely everyone present here is an innocent victim in everything that went wrong for the last few years. You are here because you are worthy – it's as simple as that, and anyone who has a problem with that can come and speak to me."

"I know that you have been through more than anyone else your age, and you have had to grow up much too quickly, which is why I am changing the rules for you. Curfew on weeknights has been moved to 10pm and on weekends it is midnight. You are free to attend Hogsmeade every weekend and are the only year allowed to do so – no exceptions."

"I have also taken the liberty of making your dorm soundproof. I am not as idiotic as you would believe, and I know that if I make a rule against parties you will find a way to do so anyway, so I ask you to please keep it amongst yourselves and not let the other years into your dorm."

"The rules are still that same – there will be a boy and a girl's side. Who you share with is up to you, but I will say that there are three to a room. Please do not make me regret my decisions here, and be respectful of the rules that I have given you. I will be watching you all very closely."

"So everyone, follow me, and we will head to your new dormitory. It is up beside the Astronomy Tower."

Without a seconds pause she took off and the small group that we were (maybe 30/40 in total) we followed. True to her word she led us up to the Astronomy Tower only now beside the door leading to the star gazing spot, there was a large portrait in which sat Professor Snape.

"Minerva, I do think I need to speak to you about moving my painting elsewhere." Snape said as he rolled his eyes.

Oh, how I missed him. Snape was my uncle, my mother being his sister, Serena Snape. He never showed much of any kind of emotion around the students, but with me, he always had a smile and a kind word (well, most of the time).

"Would you prefer I set up you upstairs with the other four?"

"Oh Merlin no! Here will have to do! The password is Lacewing, and someone may make sure they are always around Longbottom to remind him...we all know how dim-witted he can be."

Neville tried to sink back into the crowd out of embarrassment, but you grab his sleeve. "Actually, professor, Neville here was a true hero in the war, and we would have been lost without him."

Neville gives you a smile and mouths thank you as Snape rolls his eyes (but with the corner of his mouth turning up slightly as though trying not to smile) and the portrait swings open.

You step into your new dormitory. The common room is bigger than the one you had in Slytherin. On either side of the room sits two fireplaces each (four in total) with couches surrounding and bean bag chairs in the corners for extra seating. There are desks in every corner and rows of bookcases lining the walls.

There is a huge rug in the middle of the floor with the Hogwarts crest embroidered, and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

"Ladies you are on the right and gentlemen you are on the left. Each room has its own bathroom, so no more sharing amongst a large group. You will be receiving your timetables at breakfast, but for now I wish you all a goodnight and I hope you do not let me down."

She turned on her heel and walked out. The girls all began to head upstairs, so you decide to join Pansy and Daphne. You turn to give Draco a kiss goodbye and grab your bag.

"You heading to bed, love?"

"Just heading up to get settled in my room. Want to meet back here in 20 minutes?"

"Would you hate me if I told you I was exhausted and wanted to get to bed early?"

You laugh. "Draco, I could never hate you. Go get some rest and I will see you in the morning." You lean in to kiss his cheek when he smirks at you and pulls you in for a long passionate kiss instead.

Coming up for air, he leans his forehead against yours. "I love you, Evee Daniels." "I love you too, Draco Malfoy." 

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