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You actually had some pretty good classes. You were taking six Newts altogether:

Defence Against The Dark Arts

First up was Potions, with Slughorn. You were pleased that this was also Draco's first class. You both head off hand in hand to your classes, chatting about your first weekend in Hogsmeade and planning future date nights in the Three Broomsticks.

"So this weekend I was thinking we could head to Madame Paddifoot's tea shop first?" Draco questioned and you stop in your tracks.


"The tea shop. It's a huge spot for couples."

"Em...well, if you want to. I mean, I suppose we could probably-" you were interrupted by Draco bursting into a fit of laughter.

"I am only joking, love. I knew that place wouldn't be your cup of tea...see what I did there?"

"You ass!"

"It was totally worth it to see your face, my darling."

You are now at the doors to the Potions classroom, so you give Draco one last shove and walk into class alone, giggling to yourself. Draco catches up chuckling and kisses your forehead.

"Now that is what I like to hear – laughter in my classroom." Professor Slughorn beamed as he looked down the classroom at you both. "Come in, come in everyone and welcome to your Newt's Potions class. You are here because you have proved yourself to be a natural talent at potion brewing, and together we are going to take on a journey of discovery, brewing potions never before tried in this classroom. Now, if you will all select a cauldron for yourself and stand behind it, we shall begin."

There was a sudden shuffle as everyone moved to stand behind desks. No surprise, you were stood next to Draco. Harry and Hermione at one side of the table and Theo and Daphne at the other.

"Today class we are going to start off with a bit of fun. We will be brewing Amortentia. Now I know that you have all heard about it. It's more of a lust spell than anything else, but today we will be taking note of what each of you smell from your potion. Everyone should smell at least three items. Don't worry, they will be quite poignant, so you will be able to identify them. Chapter 8 ladies and gents, and you may begin now."

You go to get up from your seat to grab what you need for the potion when Draco grips your thigh. "I will get your things for you, Evee."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, love," he smiles as he walks off.

"You two are so sweet, it's giving me a toothache," Hermione teases as she walks past me.

"Granger, I couldn't have said it better myself." Theo chuckled.

"I notice you are not getting Daphnes?" you smirk.

"You will also notice that Daphne is not getting mine. We both have the ability to walk.

Draco arrives back with your ingredients and you begin. It's not an overly complicated potion. You peel and add the Ashwinder eggs before dropping in 7 rose thorns and begin to simmer.

After 15 minutes, you notice the contents begin to boil and turn down your heat. "How many moonstones did you add?" Draco asks from behind.

"3 moonstones and 2 drops of peppermint love." He kisses you in thanks.

You add a few more ingredients and begin to stir as instructed.

"Is it supposed to be purple?" Theo asks nervously.

"Yes. And should have a Mother of Pearl sheen to it."

"Eh... I don't have that."

"Keep stirring, you will."

"Evee I would be lost without you, do you know that. If I am ever mean to you again-"

"I will know you have gone back to normal." you smirk as Slughorn approaches our table.

"Perfect Miss Daniels. Perfect. Now I would like you to smell and tell this table what you smell."

"Sure." You lean into your cauldron and the steam instantly wafts in your face. "Oh, I can smell green apples, peat, aftershave, and books."

"Gee, who could that be, I wonder?" Daphne says sarcastically as Draco blushes.

"Hmm, someone who is a bookworm and good at Herbology... Hermione?" You laugh as Draco sticks his tongue out at you.

"Well Ms Greengrass why don't you tell us what you can smell?"

Daphne comes around to your side of the desk and takes a sniff. "Em, it's a little hard to make out. I think that I can smell lavender, wood, and aftershave."

Theo beams. There has always been a woodsy scent to his aftershave.

"Mr Malfoy?"

Without hesitating, Draco leans over. "I smell rain, freshly baked cookies, mango and what I swear is my library at home."

"Interesting. Make sure you take note of your scents as well as your partners so you can cross-reference. Now Harry my boy it is your turn. Step up and smell Ms Daniel's potion."

Draco sheepishly comes around to stand next to you and leans in to you. "Eh, I think I smell books as well, and parchment and coconut."

No one else seems to register, but your eyes immediately cast to Harry. Not one of those scents represents Ginny. Not even remotely.

"And Ms Granger, you and Mr Nott need to take a turn."

Theo leans in and takes an exaggerated whiff. "I smell money, apple pie and Daphne's perfume."

Everyone snorts with laughter.

"OK then, good stuff. And Ms Granger?"

"Oh...em...well I can smell...leather, a woodsy smell and grass and...I am not sure what the final smell is. I think it is like broomstick wax?"

"Because Ron loves Quidditch?" Daphne asked.

"What? Oh...yes, I suppose so."

As you are the first table finished with your potions, Slughorn lets you all leave early and to your delight you and Draco have a free period next lesson. You split up from the group – Hermione and Theo heading to Ancient Runes, Harry to Herbology and Daphne to Muggle Studies. Draco and I headed outside to the courtyard to sit by the fountain.

"So you never told me, how does it feel to be back?" You ask, sitting down and swinging your legs over Draco's.

"Much better than I expected. I really wasn't sure about coming back here Evee. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have bothered."


"Love, I am not like you. Everyone loves you. You are kind and have time for everyone. I was a foul git for years. A bully in every sense of the word. I believed every lie my father told me and truly believed I was better than everyone. It doesn't make for a good friend."

"But you have changed."

"And only for you. You changed me. I was completely lost the last two years. I was chosen by...him...not out of loyalty or out of strength, but because of the mistakes my father made."


"Evee, I was in such a bad place, but you were my guiding light. You helped me get through. I thought I was nothing. I felt nothing except when I was with you. You brought me to life...literally, and gave me a reason to smile again. Everyone could see it. If my mother didn't already love you, that would have been reason enough. You are my saviour and my guardian angel. I love you. I adore you. You have no idea how much you mean to me."

You look down at your hands sheepishly and smile. "I'm beginning to." You lean in and kiss him. "For the record, I love you too."

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