The Wedding

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The music began to play as everyone took their seats for the ceremony. You were busy behind the doors fanning Daphne's face as she paced the floor.

"Why am I so nervous?" she pouts.

"Ok calm down!" Astoria says as she begins fanning her as well.

Pansy walks up to you all with your flowers. "It is time," she smiles.

"I am going to faint!"

"Alright Daphne stop it! You are panicking for nothing. Remember it is Theo at the end of the aisle. Your Theo. Why are you nervous? You love him. He loves you and you want nothing more than to become Mrs Theodore Nott. Now stop pacing, take your damn flowers, stand up straight and let's get this show on the road."

Everyone looks at you as you rant. They actually all look very impressed with you. You straighten up and take your own flowers.

"You're right Evee," Daphne smiles.

"You're scary Evee!" Pansy adds.

You stick your tongue out at Pansy as she giggles. You turn to Daphne. "Let's get you married."

The doors open as Pansy begins to walk. As you were told, you waited 30 seconds and then you begin to walk as well.

The room looks beautiful. You are actually impressed with the job you did. You look up at Theo who is a blubbering mess already. And then you catch his eye.

Your Draco.

Everyone else fades away. All you see is him. His eyes are gleaming as he watches you glide down the aisle. He looks beyond proud and is beaming. 

As you reach the end of the aisle you give him a quick wink before standing next to Pansy as Astoria joins you. You turn and watch Mr Greengrass and Daphne slowing walk.

Her dress is billowing behind her. She is simply stunning. Everyone is whispering and smiling. Some dabbing their eyes with tissues. Luna and Hermione are emotional messes as they dab their tear stained cheeks. 

They reach the end of the aisle, Mr Greengrass shakes Theo's hand and they turn to the registrar, a lady from the Ministry who begins the ceremony.

You look out at the guests to see who you recognise. Narcissa and Jonathan are seated next to Kingsley and Johanna as well as Andromeda and Teddy. 

Hermione and Luna are sitting next to Ron and Ginny. Phoenix and who I assume is his mother are sitting behind Mr Greengrass and Heather and next to her is Lucille Malfoy with what looks to be the most perfect little baby bump. 

Other guests you recognised were there as well, fellow students from Hogwarts, Professors Slughorn, Flitwick, Hagrid and McGonagall as well as a few people from the Ministry. 

As Theo and Daphne exchange vows and rings you can't help but think of how your own wedding will be. Yours and Draco's. No matter what happened now you were not letting him get away again.

He was yours and you were his. No matter how big the argument you had in the future you made a vow there and then that you would never go to sleep angry and you would always be open and honest with him.

Most of the mess you had managed to get yourselves in could have been avoided if you had simply communicated better. Especially on your part. So much time was wasted. You never should have asked him to leave that day in the hospital. If you didn't you would not have felt so alone these last few weeks. 

He would have been by your side when you found out you were pregnant and you would have been able to share that experience together. 

You were snapped out of your thoughts again when the registrar said, "What we have witnessed here today, may no man come between. I now pronounce you man and wife. Theo you may kiss your bride."

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