Detective Work

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You pace the floor of your common room waiting for the others to arrive. Dinner was over, not that you ate very much.

It was time to tell your friends your suspicions. Maybe they could help you. You head to your room and lift out the red folder you have been keeping since before the summer.

You were trying to gather your thoughts when your phone began to ring. You pulled it out of your pocket hitting the green button as you did.

"Just checking in," Kingsley spoke.

"Uncle Kings! It's good to hear your voice. Everything is all right on this end. Draco mourned his mother's death and now we are carrying on as normal. Narcissa called Draco last night to say that she is loving freedom."

"She is. She even came to the Ministry to see Jonathan and I. Well she was disguised and Andromeda of course."

"That's good! I am glad she is happy."

"Well, I am just calling to say that everything had went well here. We have her death certified and Lucius seems to have believed everything. The plan worked well. Have you ever considered a job for The Ministry? I could use someone like you here."

"Thanks but until I graduate, I am not thinking of anything else."

"That's smart, but remember my offer. Well I just wanted to check in. These mobile devices are a very clever idea. Who would believe it came from your friend Blaise."

"He has some smart ideas."

"Like when he took a shot through his eye? I thought he going to go blind!"

"So did he," you giggle.

"I must dash but call me anytime you need me Evee."

"I promise, bye Kings."

You hang up as the portrait door opens and in steps Hermione, Draco, Blaise and Luna followed by Harry.

You do not want to seem impolite so you smile.

"Sorry to tag along. I heard these guys say that they were going to see you and I wanted to tag along."

"You are always welcome Harry."

Blaise tried to close the door behind him, when something blocks it. "How about us? Are we welcome?" Theo says stepping through.

"Busted!" Luna smiles.

"We saw you head off down the hallway and followed. We had no idea where Evee's dorm was. I'm still not sure. There is no one in your portrait. I feel like I just stepped through a wall." Ginny states coming to stand next to you as Daphne, Pansy and Ron enter too.

"That was the idea. No one else would be able to find it once they leave but me."

"Why?" Pansy asks.

"Well...em...after Christmas I wanted to be alone. I wanted to leave after...that night but McGonagall convinced me to stay but I couldn't stay there so she gave me this room, which was the Heads room. Then I had some...unexpected visits and McGonagall and Hermione put up shields."

"Sorry again," Daphne says fidgeting with her robes.

"It's in the past. Well we are going to need more chairs I think."

"Oh I can help!" Hermione raises her hand and smiles before standing up. She produces her wand and casts a spell on your sofa so it duplicates twice. There are now 4 couches. You would think the room would be cramped but they fit easily.

Pansy and Theo sit on one and Theo pulls Daphne onto his knee. Ron sits on the floor in front of Pansy on cushions.

Luna, Blaise and Ginny take another.

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