Daniel's Family Will

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It was Friday afternoon and you were due in McGonagall's office in about 20mins. You had planned on asking Luna or Blaise to come with you to the meeting but they had not surfaced out of the spare room in your dorm since yesterday and quite frankly with the noises that were coming out of the room, you thought it best not to interrupt.

Guess the soundproof spell wore off.

So you left the dorm to head to the Headmistresses office only to step out and come face to face with Draco.

"Thank Merlin! I thought it was you in there with someone making those noises."

"Not now Draco. I am busy."

"Who is in there?"

"Your cousin...and your best friend."

"Gross! Where are you headed?"

"To see the headmistress. It is time for my meeting about the will."

"Oh right, yeah. Who is going with you?"

"Em no one."

"Wrong. I am."

"Draco I am fine."

"Oh I know you are fine," he smirks at you. "But I am still coming."

"Your fiancé would not like us hanging out together."

"Astoria will be fine."

"Draco. With everything that is going on between us maybe it's not the best idea."


"Seriously? We are tiptoeing around each other and then you kiss me. It's all very confusing and you still have a fiancé. A lovely fiancé who I would never want to hurt."

"Evee. You need someone with you. Let us put everything aside for now and just head together ok? You need a friend and I am here for you."

You realise you are standing at the bottom steps to the professors office. "Fine! Let's just get this over with." You are about to say the password and head up to the office when you hear shouting from behind you.


You both turn to see Astoria walking towards you.

"Where do you think you are going?" she looks between both of you.

"Evee is heading to her parents will reading...alone and I thought she could use a friend."

"Oh...em...well yes but I have been waiting for you for over an hour. We have wedding details to discuss. Do you mind Evee? We still have so much to do and time is running out."

"Not at all Tori. I did tell Draco I would be fine on my own."

"No Evee you need someone."

"I will manage."

"You see she is fine. Now come. Oh and Evee?"


"Happy Birthday for tomorrow."

"Thanks Tori."

You watch as Draco gives you a miserable look and then turns and walks away with Tori hanging onto his arm. You head up to the office and knock on the door and step through as it opens.

"Ah Miss Daniels. Thank you for having this meeting early for me. Actually I have asked another to come for you as well. She should be here soon. For support I mean."


"That would be me," says Narcissa as she steps out of the fireplace.

"Cissy!" you exclaim standing up and hugging her.

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