Invading The Manor

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Still Draco POV

I guide everyone around the back of the manor through the trees surrounding the grounds. Everyone rushes forward, bent low so they cannot be seen. Ahead at the entrance door you see two guards. Death Eaters who managed to evade capture.

"Right, who wants to go first?" I ask.

To be honest, I have no clue who it is who steps forward. Evee Imposter #1. "Let me at em." The voice says, and you recognise it as Angelina.

"OK, Angelina. Make yourself seen. Walk over there and make it look like you have escaped. Put up the shield to protect yourself and run towards us. Mr Wealsy and I will stun them." Mr Weasley nods and takes position opposite you. Angelina heads off and moves into the moonlight. 

The guards are talking amongst themselves as she moves into their line of view. "How the...?" The bigger one grunts as he shoots a stunning spell at her. Her shield falters, but George is quick off the mark and casts one around her. She runs towards us with both men hot on her heels. As she approaches the edge of the trees, Mr Weasley and I step out and stun both men, who slump to the floor. Success!

"Angelina, Mrs Weasley, you take those two to the Ministry."

"Let them know that more will be arriving in due course. Tell them code black." Kingsley adds.

"Wait!" Hermione whisper, shouts. "I have more polyjuice here — give me some of their hairs." 

Ron and George pull out handfuls of hair and pour them into the glasses Hermione was holding. "Down the hatch boys," she says, passing it to the Weasley brothers.

Slowly, both boys transform. "Take their robes and wands. Pocket your own. Oh Draco, they can't apparate Draco," Hermione points out.


"Draco, you are a Malfoy — you should be able to lower the wards and shields." Kingsley points out.

"How?" I ask exasperated. We were wasting time.

Hermione recites a few incantations and I repeat them, mirroring her actions. "There," she smiles. "That should at least let you apparate out without needing Draco to aid you."

Mrs Weasley and Angelina both take a guard each and apparate. The rest of the group run up to the entrance and open the large door. One by one, everyone slips through and Bill closes the door behind him, plunging you into darkness.

"No lights everyone. Just hold onto the person in front of you. I know these tunnels like the back of my hand. I can guide us." I take off as Jonathan takes hold of my shoulder.

We head off down the tunnel. All is quiet for a few minutes. The only should is scuffling and footsteps on the concrete floor.

Eventually we come upon a large door. I press my ear up against it. Nothing. "Sounds clear, no doubt there is someone on the other side so Ron? George? You better go. It will look less suspicious."

The Death eater you assume is George (only because he looks excited about the adventure, where the other man looks scared shitless — clearly Ron) comes forward and pushes the door open. 

Good thing it was him, as there was another Death Eater. "Saks? What are you doing away from your station?"

"Didn't you hear? The prisoner has escaped. We need to find her!"

"Shit. Lucius will be pissed!"

"Yes he is. I have just checked the tunnel, but maybe you should head back down in case she comes by. I will patrol this corridor."

"Right...good!" The Saks man takes off, pulling back the door, only to come face to face with about 20 of you. "Who the fuck are-" he doesn't get time to finish as Ron stuns him.

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