Meetings with the Minister

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News of Ron and Hermione's breakup swept the school the following morning but if students were excited to hear some juicy gossip – they were to be very disappointed. Like every other year at Hogwarts, the following morning saw Hermione, Ron and Harry walking to breakfast chatting away happily, planning a trip to Hogsmeade.

You were pleased that everything seemed to work out well and both Ron and Hermione attended classes the following weeks with a spring in their steps and as if a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders. It was practically joyous to behold.

"Did you have anything to do with that?" Draco asked as we walked behind Ron and Hermione to Defence Against The Dark Arts.

"I gave Hermione a little advice... possibly."

"And what was that?"

"That she deserved to be happy. Ron too. And that if she wasn't 100% committed to the relationship or wasn't sure she could see a future with Ron, then it wasn't fair to carry on stringing him along."

"That is good advice." He said smirking.

"Planning on following it yourself?" you ask laughing. You didn't notice that Draco had stopped walking beside you until you turned around. "Draco?" He grabs your arms standing you in front of him.

"Do you really think I would be with you if I didn't see a future with you?"

"Relax Draco I was kidding."

"Oh. Good! I love you Evee. You are the only girl for me. I couldn't imagine a life where I would be happy if you were not with me. You are my everything."

You look up at him and move her hand to caress his cheek. "I love you, Draco."

"I love you, my Evee."

You arrive at class and take your seat next to Draco and behind Hermione and Ron who hadn't switched seats now that they weren't together. You lean forward and tap her with your quill causing her to turn to look at you.

'You ok?' you mouth and she smiles and nods her head in response before turning her attention back to the front of the room.

The new teacher for DADA had not been announced at the welcome feast but you were very pleased to learn that it was a lovely named Ms Amanda Smyth. She had been an Auror until the war. Best friends with Nymphadora Tonks. They worked together until Tonks' death during the battle and Smyth left the department soon after saying the job was tainted.

No one told her she was leaving one tainted job to take up a cursed job.

You hadn't enjoyed DADA classes last year with the Carrows teaching and as you refused to participate in practical lessons you were always punished. Maybe not as harshly as others like Neville but enough. Blaise and Theo tried there hardest to protect you in Draco's absence but you wouldn't let them.

Thankfully you and Neville and Blaise had devised a plan that helped. You got the first years to act in pain during practicals. Fake the pain. This worked very well for most of the year until the last term when you were found out.

You took the blame so the others would be safe. You had the scars to prove that your decision was the right one. No one should have to suffer like that!

Professor Smyth seemed to be a great teacher though and DADA was becoming one of your favourite subjects again. You were taking notes as the professor walked around the classroom talking. You cast your eyes up to see Draco also scribbling away on his parchment.

He had changed so much in the last few months. Obviously for the better. He no longer seemed tense and afraid of his own shadow. He was relaxed and carefree again.

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