Hogwarts Express

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There was something different about the train ride back to school that year. There was a sense of sadness in the air that I assumed had to do with the fact that there were some of our classmates no longer with us and who wouldn't be going back.

The train was deathly quiet to begin with. Everyone stuck to a carriage, and no one was wondering the aisle or chatting to each other in doorways.

"I need the bathroom. I will be right back." You smile as you stand up and leave. You slid open the compartment door and make your way to the bathroom. Washing your hands after, you wonder if you are making the right choice. Can Hogwarts ever go back to the way it was?

You step out of the stall and are met with a solid wall. No, not a wall...a person. "Oomph!" You look up to see whom you tried to take down. None other than Harry Potter.

"Harry! I am so sorry! Are you alright?"

"Oh hi Evee. What? Oh, no, I am fine. Don't even worry about it at all. Wasn't looking where I was going, either. So, how are you? I was very sorry to hear about your sister and her partner. And your parents."

"Thanks. I am doing...better. How is George holding up?"

"He tries to put on a happy face, but we know he is hurting."

"I can only imagine. Will you tell him I was asking after him the next time you see him? I thought about maybe writing to him, but –"

"He would love that Evee." You turn to see Ginny standing behind you, smiling. You had always got on well with Ginny when you were dating her brother, and that never stopped after you broke up.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't want to upset him."

"No honestly," she gives you a hug, "we all miss you Evee. Fred and George especially. I know Fred always regretted breaking things off with you. He loved you."

"And I loved him. He was my first love."

"Please write to George. It would mean a lot to him. A lot to us all."

"I will Ginny. I promise. How are Molly and Arthur?"

"Mum cries...a lot and tries to hide it, but we can see the redness of her eyes. Dad has been busy with work. He has been promoted."

"That's fantastic news. No one deserves it more. What does he do now?"

"He really is pleased. He is back to being Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. You know that's where his heart truly was. Although this time the department is taken more seriously and dad earns a lot more money."

"I am so pleased for him. He was always such a gentleman to me." You notice that Ginny puts her arm through Harry's. "So you two are official, then? Fred always knew you would be. He said he felt like he may have had to beat Harry around the head to see what was in front of him. Ron too."

"Who is beating me around the head?" You turn to see Ron and a sulking Hermione approach. Hermione leans over to hug you, and Ron follows.

"Evee. We miss you! How are you after...well, everything."

"About as well as I can be, Hermione. How are you?"

"Good! I found my parents and restored their memories of me. They decided to stay in Australia, though, as they had made quite a life for themselves out there. I spent most of the summer with them."

"Aw Mione! I am delighted for you. That is wonderful news."

"Thanks!" she beamed.

"We better get back to the compartment." Ginny smiled as she hugged you again and walked off with Rona and Hermione. You waved them off before turning to see Harry still standing there.

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