In The 40's

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"You'll see me when you wake up doll. Look out for Stevie for me." Bucky says. He had joined the army and he was being shipped out now. Steve, Bucky and Aspen had been best friends for years. It started with Steve and Bucky, but Aspen had joined by default.

Bucky was 25 now. Steve was 24. Aspen was 21. They were all close. They were thick as thieves. Though at times, Steve got jealous because even though he was your older brother, he was smaller, he had asthma, he always said you got the good looks in the family.

And Bucky would agree. But no body cared that Steve was scrawnier or nerdy looking. He was your brother and he was Bucky's best friend and that's all that ever mattered. Steve was the only one who cared he was different. And the army. He couldn't get into because of his asthma and his smaller physique.

"I'm not your doll Barnes." Aspen replied to Bucky. A constant, Bucky and Aspen flirting. But it was never deep. They looked out for each other, they all did. But Aspen and Bucky was a different story. They didn't just look out for each other, there was some part of them that connected on a deeper level.

"Sure you're not." Bucky says. He walks backwards, shaking his head, smirking. Aspen smiles back, her smile fades when she realizes that this is goodbye. And all she's worried about is Bucky. "Stay safe sergeant." She says. And he walks away.


Weeks pass, and Aspen and Steve are both miserable without Bucky. They both try everything to get into the army, to try and get to Bucky, not just to be with Bucky, but because they want to serve too. Being around Bucky was just a bonus for them.

"Aspen you want to come with me right? I have an opportunity for us..." Steve tells Aspen one night. Steve  had found a scientist, more like the scientist found him, and he was going to try a serum on Steve, to make him a super soldier. There had been other test subjects, none worked out as planned. It actually went terribly. But Steve, he volunteered regardless.

But they had a catch, they needed two people to experiment on. And it was perfect since Aspen and Steve were siblings. So they both agreed. They were going to be Guinea pigs. But if it got them into the army, to serve, and to Bucky, it was worth it.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Aspen asks Steve. "More sure than I've ever been Aspen." Steve says. He was on the procedure table. They closed him into a machine, injected him with serum. There was a bright light, Steve screaming. And then it opened. And Steve...he was different.

He came out muscular. Many would even say hot, even Aspen would admit that he was a very good looking man, he was before but this was different, she jumped at the chance to have a glow-up like Steve did. "Oh it's my turn." Aspen says. Same thing. They hooked her into the a machine, administered the serum, she screamed, she cried, and then the doors opened.

She looked pretty much the same. They had to do tests on her to make sure it had worked on her as it did Steve. They were both stronger, faster, better reflexes, seemingly evincible to a certain extant. Some of her features were different though, and she was even more beautiful. She was 5'0, wishing the serum made her at-least a few inches taller...she had dirty blonde hair, like Steve's, her eyes were a bright emerald green color.

After training and tests, press, lots of press, Steve and Aspen got a call. Bucky had been captured by a group named Hydra. Aspen was distraught, for a few hours at least, she thought that she would never see him again, then she remembered her and Steve were super soldiers. And she insisted they go find him.

"Let's go get Bucky." Steve says. And they did. It being the forties, Aspen still had trouble with authority. Steve and all the other men, refused to let her go on this rescue mission. So she stayed back. Until she saw him. And Steve, walking up to her. She looked over him, he looked tired and beaten up but it was Bucky.

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