The Apology Pt. 2

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Bucky was waiting in his room, he knew Aspen was going to send Steve to him. He had her change of clothes next to him on the bed where he was sitting waiting for Steve. He knew she either sent Steve to make amends with Bucky or to tell Bucky that he was done talking to Aspen and he could go back to her.

But he knew regardless Steve would come in. He knew Aspen well enough to know that she was most likely sending Steve to make amends. She wouldn't let their fighting continue. Not if she could help it. She made it clear to Bucky that the last thing she wanted was for Bucky and Steve to lose their life long friendship over her.

He had tried to tell her that if that happened it would be because of a decision Steve and Bucky had made and had nothing to do with Aspen. But she still refused to let them loose what they had. Especially when she knew now it did have to do with her. She needed them to fix things. For both her sake and their sake. Because she watched them grow up together.

She watched them make all their memories together. Help each other through their parents deaths, through everything they had went through. She watched Bucky save Steve from fights more than she could count, and she watched Steve return the favor and save Bucky one time. And she watched it all slip away time and time again because of fate. And she wouldn't let it happen again, not because of her.

They were brothers. They were best friends. They were inseparable. And she wouldn't let anything change that. And Bucky knew that. So when Steve locked on Bucky's door frame and leaned against it, looking at Bucky, Bucky knew it was Aspen's doing. It was his girl, looking after him. When that's what he should be doing for her.

"Hey." Steve said leaning against the door frame. "Hey." Bucky said. "Did Aspen send you in here?" Bucky asked. Knowing damn well she did. "She did." Steve said. Knowing Bucky already knew the answer. He was just making small talk, trying too get a conversation started so it wasn't awkward.

"But either way I know I owe you an apology." Steve tells Bucky. And that he was right. He did owe Bucky an apology. Just as he had owed Aspen one. He had pushed his best friend away and made him feel like he wasn't good enough for Aspen. Made him feel like he didn't trust him. All because he was trying to hide the fact that Aspen was adopted and protect her.

But that made it all worse. He made it all so much worse without even meaning too, and he knew that he owed Bucky a major apology, since he had already apologized to Aspen. He would still try to make it up to her, even though she forgave him, but one step at a time. This step was Bucky.

"I already apologized to her." Steve tells Bucky. Knowing that Bucky would tell him he didn't want and apology from Steve until he knew Aspen had gotten one. Bucky was satisfied now, knowing Aspen got the apology she deserved. "How is she?" He asked. He couldn't help it. All his thoughts revolved around her. He wanted to check on her, he didn't like her being alone.

"She made me leave while she talked to you. I don't like her being alone after surgery." Bucky tells Steve. Steve didn't like Aspen being alone after surgery either. He knew Bruce was with her, then both knew Bruce was with her, but they weren't satisfied. One of them needed to be there for her. They had to have their own eyes on her.

"She's okay. She's Aspen." Steve says with a small smile. "She is." Bucky says. It had gotten awkward for a moment. Bucky looked down at his lap, and Steve did the same. He then looked up at Bucky to give him the apology he deserved. He got his sister back, now he needed his best friend back.

"I should have told you both to start. During truth or dare. I'm sorry." Steve says, getting to the point. He knew what he did was wrong. There was a completely different way for him to handle this. He just did what he thought was best in the moment and didn't think about it long term.

Bucky listens to Steve without saying anything. Letting him explain and give his apology. "I'm sorry Buck. About everything. And I'm glad its you my sister is with." Steve tells Bucky. He meant it and he knew Bucky needed to hear it. He knew he was still insecure about everything and he wanted Steve's approval. He would still be with Aspen regardless but he wanted his approval. "Really?" Bucky asks self consciously.

"You protect her." Steve says. "You've been there for her, always, even when I couldn't." Steve says. "And you love her." He adds. Bucky says nothing. He does love her. But he hadn't told her yet. He couldn't tell anyone he loved her without telling her first. She needed to be the first one to hear it, and she had to hear it from him.

"I get you haven't told her yet. But I know you do." Steve tells him. "I'm happy for her. And I'm happy for you. As long as you both are happy." Steve says. Bucky was happy. Aspen made him happy. He had never been as happy as he was whenever he was with her, thinking about her..."I am. She makes me happy." Bucky tells Steve.

"You should get back to her." Steve tells him. He didn't like that she had already been alone so long. And neither did Bucky. "I don't like her being alone either." Steve told Bucky. "Thank you Steve." Bucky tells him. He gets up, grabbing the clothes he had gotten fro Aspen to change into, and leaves the room, going to Aspen.

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