Go Steady With Me

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After Aspen's talk with Steve, she went home and went to bed. Without talking to Bucky. She needed a moment to herself. To think through everything. She needed to be alone with her thoughts and feelings before telling Bucky. She needed to comprehend her talk with Steve and try and figure out what was next. And in all that, she realized Bucky would know what to do, and he was apart of this too, so the next day, she went to him. She would be seeing him anyway, she saw him everyday. But it was the first thing she did, after making herself presentable.

She walked in the room and right away, Bucky knew something was wrong. He was sitting on a chair in his room, trying to figure out how to work his T.V. When he saw her he smiled, then he saw her expression, her body language, and he set the remote down on the table and opened his arms for her. She sits on his lap and hugs him tight and he returns it.

He rubs her back up and down and she runs her fingers through his hair. She tells him everything about the meeting with Steve and Bucky listens quietly. When she's done, he gives her cheek a kiss and continues to rub her back. Her fingers still traced through his hair.

"I'm sorry doll." Bucky says. "I'll talk to him." They both knew that he would have better luck getting to Steve. He wasn't Steve's sister, he didn't have the sibling baggage, and he was Steve's best friend. They both thought Steve would listen, hear him out, instead of Steve cutting him off and shutting him down like he did to Aspen.

Aspen gives Bucky a soft and sad smile. She just wanted an explanation and Steve never gave her one. He just yelled and tried to tell her what she could and couldn't do, and she couldn't accept that. "Thank you." She whispered to him. "I don't know what I would do without you." She says with a smile. "But don't tell him we're together when you talk to him." Aspen tells Bucky with big scared eyes.

Bucky smiles and focuses on the first thing she had said. What would she do without him? "You would lose your mind." He whispers to her with a smile. She smiles back at him and twirls a piece of his hair between her fingers. "I've already lost it Jamie." Aspen says with a teasing smile.

Bucky realizes what Aspen had said before and he backtracks. He smiles and he looks into her eyes for a moment before saying anything. She looks a little confused and tilts her head to the side, wondering what he's thinking, what's going through his mind. "Wait," he says. "Did you say we're together?" Bucky asks with a smile.

Aspen's eyes get big as she realizes in that moment too, just what she had said. She looks a little worried and she starts stuttering. "I-I guess I did?" She asks to see what he thinks. He keeps smiling and she continues nervously. "Are we?..." She asks. "I-Um..." She starts stuttering again and Bucky cuts off her babbling and stuttering.

He found it adorable how nervous she was. They had known each other forever, and he still made her nervous. Which is understandable considering the dynamics of the relationship had changed. They went from best friends too...well, let's see what Bucky says. "Aspen?" He cuts her off still smiling. She still looks nervous and she looks at him deep in his steel blue eyes. "James?" She asks.

"Will you, officially," He starts, with a huge smile on his face. "Go steady with me?" He says with a smirk. He worded it the way he did to try and take the pressure off the situation. He was making Aspen smile and calm down because he knew her heart was racing. She smiles at him and bites her bottom lip. She blushes as nods her head. "Yes..." She whispers. Not thinking it could, her smile gets bigger. "Of course I will." She says. And back tracking to how he asked her to go steady, an old term, "Old man." She teases him.

"Yes?" he asks. Ignoring her last statement for the moment. "Yes." Aspen nods with a smile. Bucky smiles even bigger and he scrunches his nose up as he nods his head. "Yes." He exclaims. He brings his lips to Aspen's and she kisses him back quickly. She wraps her arms around his neck and his her on her lower back. They pulled each other close as they kissed.

She parts her lips slightly to breath for a moment and Bucky slowly slides his tongue between her lips. She pushes her tongue out slightly to brush it against his. When he pulls his tongue out and she pulls her tongue back, they leave each others lips wet, and a loud kiss sound when they pull away. She lays her head on his shoulder and bury's her head in his neck for a moment. They briefly hold each other before she pulls back so she can look at him.

"Did you get the invite for the party Tony's having next week?" Aspen asks. Continuing her motions of running her fingers through his hair. "I did." Bucky nods. "The invite said plus one. Are you bringing a date?" Bucky asks. Knowing the answer is no already, he would've been her date, if everyone knew, but he liked the teasing and the game.

"No." She says. "Sadly I do not have a date." She says with a pouty face. "A beautiful girl like you? Surely someone would be interested." Bucky says with a smirk. Continuing the little roll play. "The only guy I wanna go with, well my relationship with him is forbidden." Aspen says. Leaning towards his ear and whispering those words to him slowly.

"Too bad I don't care." Bucky says. "You're mine Aspen." Bucky says surely. He moves his face closer and whispers onto Aspen's lips. "And when Steve can finally come to terms with that, I'm going to make sure everyone knows, got it?" Bucky asks, their lips almost touching now. "yes Sergeant." Aspen whispers onto his lips. Bucky smirks and scrunches his nose, shoving hers slightly with his, "You tease." He whispers and brings his lips to hers for a short sweet kiss, followed by three more soft quick kisses.

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