Hear Her Out

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Bucky walked into the warehouse, his gun held up. His jaw was clenched. He was prepared to pull the trigger. He wasn't a killer anymore, but it was his girl, it was his doll, his doll. He was prepared to pull the trigger and he would if there seemed to be any threat to Aspen at all. He led. He walked in and looked around, the rest of the team following suit.

He looked to his left and saw a woman. A blonde haired woman he had never seen before. He pointed his gun at her, his face angry, his heart pounding. Aspen was no where in sight so far. He looked at her and it took every bone in his body not to pull the trigger. This was the woman who took his doll away from him, who threatened to kill her, who may have killed her, he didn't know she was alive.

Thor lined up next to Bucky, hammer in hand, looking intimidating to Yelena. Peter just stood there in his Spiderman suit looking at Yelena. His fists clenched tight. Wanda levitated. Her eyes glowed red and her body shown off the same red light. Bucky looked at the team, standing ready with him. Willing to fight for Aspen with him.

Steve stood next to Bucky. Tony, Nat and Sam were behind them all covering them from the back. Steve looked at Yelena with piercing blue eyes and all she did was stare back at them. Not saying a word. Not looking fazed at all. She just looked over the entire team. Natasha had her back to Yelena so she hadn't see who it was, and Yelena couldn't see Nat because she was being blocked by thors big build.

Bucky looked at Yelena, and he demanded answers. "Where's Aspen?" He spat through gritted teeth. Steve took steps towards Yelena, angry, not being able to control himself. He wanted to see his sister. He needed to see his sister. He needed to know if she was alive or not. He needed to know. "Where's my sister?" Steve practically yells at her.

Yelena tilts her head and looks at him. "Where's mine?" She asks calmly. Then there's a shuffling noise. Aspen approaches from a separate room in the abandoned building. The room where she had been sat in a corner and tied up. She had fallen asleep waiting, being too exhausted to keep her eyes open.

Then she heard Bucky and she woke up instantly. Her Bucky was there. For her. They all looked at her relieved. A weight came off Bucky's chest, his heart felt like it was finally beating again since Aspen was taken. His girl was alive. She was okay.

"I'm here. I'm okay." Aspen tells them as she approaches. Natasha had turned around when she heard Yelena speak. She looked at her in shock. She just stared. She was too stunned to speak. She couldn't speak. She just looked at her sister who she thought was dead and she stared.

"Who are you?" Sam asked Yelena. It was a question everyone wanted answered. Nobody but Natasha and Aspen knew who Yelena was. "That's my sister." Natasha whispers, but loud enough for everyone to hear her. Tears coated her eyes. She continued to stare at her sister just as her sister did her.

"Natasha." Yelena said. She almost couldn't believe she was here. And Natasha's head was flooded with a million questions. Her sister was alive. She was here. But she kidnapped her friend. Why did she do it? What did she want? How come Natasha thought she was dead? What happened to her? Where has she been all this time?

"You kidnapped my friend?" Natasha asked her sister. Her tone disappointed and hurt. Her voice thick with tears and emotion. "I wasn't going to hurt her, I just wanted to get to you." Yelena told her.

It still didn't make sense. To any of them. Aspen had called and said her goodbyes. Why? If she wasn't going to hurt her, why did she make her call and say her goodbyes to the people she loved? "She called she said you were going to kill her." Natasha tells Yelena. She wanted an explanation as to why she would do this. She wanted answers to all of her questions.

"I would not hurt anyone Who didn't deserve it Natasha." Yelena tells Nat. "I wanted her to call so
You would come for her." She explains. Nobody believed her. They just looked at her, weapons still pointed to her. Bucky's finger was ready to pull the trigger at any moment.

But Natasha believed her. She knew her sister. She knew what she was and wasn't capable of and she wasn't capable of killing an innocent person. "There is a right and a wrong way to do things." Natasha tells Yelena. Of course Yelena knew that, she cursed herself for not doing it the right way but she didn't know exactly what the right way was in this certain situation with her sister.

"I know that. I didn't know the right way to do it so I did the wrong way." Yelena tells her. "Are you not happy to see me?" Yelena asks Nat. She was hurt. It seems like her sister didn't care that she was alive and she was there, even though that wasn't the case, all the questions and disappointed looks made it very well seem like Nat wasn't happy to see her.

"someone needs to tell me what the hell is going on." Tony tells them. Aspen had made her way over to Bucky, he dropped his weapons and pulled her into his arms. Holding onto her for dear life, and her doing the same to him. "Are you okay doll?" He asks her. Praying the answer would be yes and nothing happened to her.

"I'm fine." She tells Bucky giving him a reassuring look. "Look I know she didn't Approach this right. But can you just hear her out?" Aspen asks.

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