Do It Together

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After Bucky had left his own room, he went to Aspens. She was awake. She was getting dressed when Bucky came in. She asked where he was, not that she cared that he went off and did his own thing, she wasn't clingy and she liked it when he branched out, but she woke up and he wasn't there so she was just wondering where he wandered off too. Especially since it was earlier than he normally woke up. She wanted to make sure he didn't have another nightmare and she missed it, she could be a heavy sleeper sometimes and she didn't want to not have been there for him if he needed her. Bucky told her about his conversation with Steve. He could tell Aspen was upset about him confronting Steve without her.

"Why would you do that!?" She asked. You could tell by her voice she was upset and frustrated. "I'm sorry doll I was just trying to help. I didn't know he was actually on a war path." Bucky tells her. "I told you he was!" Aspen said raising her voice slightly. She hated that Steve was now angry with Bucky. The whole point of them talking to him together was so that all the blame wouldn't be on Bucky and he could hear them out together, instead of just one of them taking all the heat. Especially Bucky. She didn't want Bucky to lose his best friend because of her.

And sue ones Bucky would argue if it were to happen that she was his best friend, but they both should have someone other than each other. They could both live the rest of their lives with just the other, but they didn't have to. Bucky already had Steve. He was his life long best friend and if Steve and Bucky were to stop being friends because of Aspen and Bucky's relationship, she would never forgive herself.

"I thought it would be different, I thought he would listen to me." Bucky tries to explain to Aspen. "Bucky you should have left it alone. We were going to do it together." Aspen tells him. Her voice softened and she looked at Bucky with tears in her eyes. Bucky saw the tears in her eyes and stepped closer to her. "I'm sorry baby." He whispered to her.

She sighed and shook her head, trying to get rid of the tears threatening to spill. "I wanted to do it together Jamie." She said, her voice breaking. "I know." He said. He stepped closer and put his hand on her cheek, wiping a tear that had fallen. "I know. I didn't think it would turn out this way. I'm sorry." He whispered to her. Aspen nodded and laid her head down on Bucky's chest. She placed a kiss to the center of his chest and lifted her head back up to meet his eyes.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for yelling I just...I really didn't want him to take all his anger out on you." Aspen whispered to him. Bucky wrapped his arms around Aspen and kissed the top of her head. Her hands wrapped around his waist and they squeezed each other tight. Her head laying against his chest. She took a breath in and then exhaled. Soaking in the moment of Bucky holding her.

"I know. He still doesn't know though. Not for sure. We can give him Time to calm down And really tell him." Bucky tells Aspen. Aspen pulls her head off his chest and looks up at him. "Together." She says. "We have to do it together." She tells him. "We will." He reassures her. "Promise me Jamie." She whispers looking up to him. She needed to know that he wouldn't go trying to talk to Steve again.

She needed to know that they really would do it together so Steve wouldn't only go off on Bucky. She needed them both to take the hit. She didn't know why Steve was so against them being together or why Steve was so angry at her all the time, but she refused to let Bucky go through all of that alone. She needed him to promise her that he wouldn't try to take all the blame for them being together because a relationship takes two, and they decided together to be together. Not just one of them.

Bucky sees the concern on Aspen's face. He knew exactly why she wanted to do it together. And he would give her anything she wanted. So if she wanted to tell Steve together, and she wanted him to promise they would do it together, then that's exactly what he would do. He brushes a piece of hair behind her ear and kisses her cheek. "I promise Aspen." He whispers to her and then places another kiss on her cheek.

Aspen looks up at him. Her cheeks red from Blushing. She tries to hide her smile and her blush but she can't. She can't help but smile looking at Bucky. Especially when he looked at her the way he was looking at her now. Like they were the only two people in the world.

And in the back of her mind she had this tiny little thought that got pushed to the front of her mind. She remembered a part of a movie. And she couldn't help but recite a line from it. Her face drops to a serious look and she looks at Bucky like she's about to say the most serious thing in the world. "'and when I promise something, I never, ever, break that promise'" Aspen says.

Bucky knows it's from some movie. A Disney movie. Because he knew Aspen loved Disney movies. Especially the new ones she's watched since they came back. But he didn't quiet know which movie she was talking about. He thinks for a minute but still can't figure it out. He tilts his head and opens his mouth while trying to think. "I don't uh..." he starts.

Aspen knew she would probably have to remind him of what movie she was referring to. She laughed a little and smiled at him. "It's from tangled." She tells him. He finally remembers and she can tell by the look on his face that he remembers. He shrugs and laughs at Aspen. "yea I had a feeling it was a Disney thing. You and your Disney." He says. Smiling at her. He knew her better than anyone.

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