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Aspen and Bruce sit in the communications room, their earpieces in, listening to everything going on and watching. Redwing gave them a visual feed inside the storage container. Aspen could see the tension between Bucky and Steve. She could see how uncomfortable Bucky looked and all she wanted to do was go to him right now. She wanted to tell Steve what she found out, so he would be lenient towards Bucky. She hated that there was so much tension between them on a mission. It was dangerous. For everyone.

She saw how uncomfortable Bucky looked having to hold a gun to Nagel's head. She knew he hated guns. He didn't even want to look at one, let alone touch one. But he had too for the mission. She knew this would bring back his nightmares. The ones he hadn't at for weeks. But the simple action of even having to touch a gun would make him go back to that place he was in. And she hated that. He was doing so well and this mission would make him move ten steps back. But he would do it anyway. For the team. For the mission. Even though he knew it would hurt him.

She almost had tears in her eyes having to think about it. Seeing the look on his face. But she had to focus on the entire team and their surroundings, not just Bucky. Steve stepped toward Nagel, Nagel stayed still. Not seeming to be affected by Steve's intimidation tactics. "The names of the people these files were going out to." Steve asked Nagle. Nagel shrugged and shook his head, smirking at Steve. "You already know." He says smugly.

They did already know. But they wanted to make sure they had all the names and he wasn't trying to hide any. "Locations. Now." Sam said to him. He looked at Sam, who held his gun pointing at him just as Bucky did. He rolled his eyes, he knew this would go one of two ways, he told them and locked him up, or he didn't tell them, they forced it out of him, and locked him up. He figured he didn't want to be in any kind of pain, especially given from this many people, so he told them. To make it easier, not on them, but easier on himself.

"What do I get out of it?" He asked. He wanted to try and get something out of it first. Even though he knew he wouldn't. But he felt it was worth a shot. Bucky looked at him, he had seen his body language change when he looked at him. He knew Nagel was afraid of him and he would use it to his advantage.

Bucky didn't mean a word of what he said. He didn't want to hurt anyone. But if he made Nagel scared enough, and believe him, he wouldn't have to and they would get what they needed out of him. Bucky's jaw tightened. He held the gun tighter. With a more than firm grip. "I won't shoot you." Bucky tells him, his eyes dark, trying to make it seem serious. As if he's serious.

"That's what you'll get out of it." Bucky tells him. And it worked. Nagel did in fact believe every word Bucky said. He feared they would harm him and he didn't want that. So no more games, he told them exactly what they wanted to know.

Aspen watched all of this. She could tell how scared and uncomfortable Bucky seemed to be, especially when he had to threaten Nagel. He didn't want to have to follow through with his threat by any means. She wanted Bucky to come home. She wanted him to come home to her, she wanted to hug him and tell him she loved him. Because she knew he needed that.

His exterior was hard. But he wasn't. He was soft on the inside. He needed someone to tell him everything was going to be okay. He would only tell Aspen about his worries and his fears. She was the only one he was ever vulnerable to. They only showed their vulnerabilities to one another. That's how she knew exactly what he needed and what was going on.

Nagel was going to tell them, but his ego got in the wya for just a moment. He wanted it to seem like he wasn't scared by Bucky's threats, though it was incredibly obvious that he was. "Now I don't think threatening is necessary? Do you?" Nagel asks, his words were bold, but he was scared. And even everyone could tell.But he still wanted to act like a 'man'.

Bucky really didn't think threatening was necessary. But the briefing on the way there, Tony said to, to make Nagel crack, because he was afraid. Of his own shadow practically. So Bucky was only doing what he was told. He didn't want to threaten anyone, he wanted to just lock up this part of himself, the part that wasn't good, the part of him he knew he wasn't and he didn't want to be. But he had to lie. "I do." He said.

Of course. Conflict arose. Steve looks at Bucky, cocking he head. Second guessing him. Questioning him. When Bucky was only doing what he was told. "Maybe threatening isn't the answer." Steve says to him. Aspen shakes her head, her jaw tightens in frustration and anger. She needed them out of harms way before arguing. They didn't need to be arguing on a mission.

And Steve should have been more professional to not start an argument on the mission. amen was seething. And Bucky just stood there doing nothing. He didn't want to argue, he was tired of arguing. So he just shook his head and looked away, focusing on Nagel. "Threatening is necessary in this case Steven." Aspen says through her teeth, over comms to Steve. She wasn't going to let Steve walk all over Bucky.

"Yea of course you agree with him." Steve says back to Aspen through the earpiece. Nagel looks between the two confused. "I'm sorry are you talking to me?" Nagel asked. Everyone ignored him. "Take him to the raft. He's got to have a list here with names and locations somewhere." Tony said. "Search everything." He told the team.

Nagel shook his head and looked down. The team starts moving around, searching, while Bucky Steve and Tony stay with Nagel. "Yep it's right over here." Clint says shortly after. "You've lost angel. You're shut down." Natasha tells him, taunting him. "Now you'll be isolated for the rest of your life, in a prison you can't escape from." Wanda tells him.

Aspen can't help but laugh at how they were acting. Intentionally trying to get to him. "Brutal." She tells them over comms laughing. Wanda and Natasha escorted Nagel out the jet in hand cuffs with the rest of the team, but Steve, Tony and Bucky stayed put. She saw Bucky shift on the camera and focused on him. "Bucky?" She asked. "I'm here." Bucky tells her.

"Come home now." She whispered to him. She knew he needed her. And she needed him. And she needed to tell him everything before Steve told her what he perceived to be true even though it wasn't and have Bucky upset with her, thinking she was hiding something. "After we find these people on this list and take them all to the raft." He tells her. "Soon doll." He says. Knowing she was worried about him.

"Be careful Jamie." She whispered to him. Even though everyone could hear them. "If you're done, we are shit to do." Steve says. Bucky looks at Steve and shakes his head, then they all go back to the jet to complete the mission.

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