We Meet Again Gentlemen/Madam..

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Welcome to my new Oneshot book.

A big warm welcome to all my Lovely and Grumpy Readers..

*sighs* Yes, I am copying this mostly from the oneshot book before this one. I've written a lot of them and they all mostly start off as the same. It's not my fault that I can't think over a new way to welcome you all and cover the basic guide lines for this book. 

Thanks for choosing my book and I do hope you'll enjoy all my continuing and future oneshots within this book.

I do take requests and yes, you can request more than once and with more than one ship.

I will warn you that I only do certain ships. I'm sorry if your ship not one of them but It's just how I am. I stick to certain ships and I'm sure there is another oneshot book that will accept your ship request instead.

The ships I do...

Kidge - Keith x Pidge

Plance - Lance x Pidge

Shidge - Shiro x Pidge (No Hate!)

Jidge - James x Pidge

Lotidge - Lotor x Pidge

Pikelavar - Pike x Meklavar

Kuro x Pidge

Sven x Pidge

Normally a side ship...

Shadam - Shiro x Adam

Hunk x Shay

Katt - Matt x Keith

Shatt - Shiro x Matt

Sheith - Shiro x Keith

Latt - Matt x Lance

Keith x James

Matt x N-7

Antok x Regris

Matt x Romelle

Veronica x Acxa

Lance x Romelle

Thace x Ulaz

Keith x Romelle

Rolo x Nyma

Allura x Romelle

Lotor x Allura

Zethrid x Ezor 

I do NOT write any..



Allura x Pidge

Sendak x Shiro

Sendak x Pidge

Zarkon x Pidge (I haven't forgotten about you. Don't worry, you're free from such horrors within this book)

I will try and do smut if asked, warning it will be awful but I'll try doing some.

I will warn you that I will reject certain requests and I'll also not always accept certain smut ones. It mostly depends on my mood since I haven't really been in the mood to write any smut but you might be lucky and I'd be happy to do some. So, please don't feel afraid to ask. 

I do have some rules.

I don't care if you might not label them as real rules but in this book they are the rules.


Rule 1 - No Hating within this book! I will not accept any hate towards a ship or someone who reads any ships I do. Everyone is allowed to like whatever they like and I won't let other's hate on them for it.

Rule 2 - Please respect everyone ships and everyone who may read, vote or comment within this book. I don't care if you dislike my writing or find mistakes, I'm happy to take anything you want to throw at me but respect each others, please.

Rule 3 - This book will have cursing, It won't be overkilled cursing but it will have some and I don't set up warnings over it. I don't mind cursing in comments either, meaning no need to apologize if you curse or not. It's fine within my books, I will apologize for those against cursing but I'm still gonna do it.

Rule 4 - I DON'T do Klance. Please don't ask for it, thinking I'll just do it. Klance is everywhere and this is a Klance free zone for those who are sick of the ship.

Rule 5 - I will have spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and so much more. I don't mind you pointing them out or commenting over them. Just don't whine when I've already warned you over the writing being bad.

Rule 6 - Remember Love is Love.

Rule 7 - If you don't like it, don't read it. I will not play happy writer if you dislike a certain ship and still read the oneshot just to complain. Seriously, if you don't like, you don't have to read it. No one will force you, I'm sure of it.

Rule 8 - I do add music within these chapters, I don't expect you to listen to them. It's mostly for those who are like me and can't read without music in the background. I can't promise if the songs will be PG or not since I add them at random during any random playlist.

Rule 9 (Mostly made for a certain friend, they know who they are) - No trying to steal Pidge, She shipped with someone already. I'll band cookies from you forever, so please behave!

Rule 10 - Just enjoy yourself.

If you plan to comment for a continuation over a oneshot. Please do all three of these steps. (From another book, if it's a oneshot from this book then just note it's within this book)

Step 1 - Please use the oneshot title.

Step 2 - Please name the ship name (I sometimes use the same title for other ships)

Step 3 - Please comment the oneshot book title if it's from a different oneshot book or just explain the cover photo. (I've done a lot of oneshot books now and it's hard to know the oneshots people ask over.)

Well, I'll get to writing and let you get to reading.

I do hope you enjoy my oneshots and please leave votes or comments. I don't care over being spammed or not.

Read you all soon =)

Sir and Lady OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now