Chapter 14. Oh No... He's The Alpha-To-Be!

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Nandini POV

My feet were numb. I did dare stab a rogue with a weapon I had hidden under my clothes for my protection in this mansion, but now my blood was rushing with crazy speed in my veins.

My fingers were trembling vigorously. There was no way I can stop my eyes from blurring with tears. I was fucking scared to death.

Then I heard his howl on my back. He sounded pissed. It boosted the circulation of adrenaline in my veins as I put all my fears aside and did a crazy runner.

"I will kill you bitch!" He screamed making my knees buckle.

It was no time to allow terror to wash over me. I had done the worse I should not and now it was time to run. So I ran. With my open hair going all around my face and jumping over my shoulders, I ran further without any clue as to where I was heading.

I just knew that I had to get away from him. My instincts fueled my energy and made me push my feet wider so I covered more distance.

I can't feel him behind me. He wasn't following. Or that's what I thought as I stopped to take a look behind my back in the dark.

Now the veil of darkness has turned slightly light to such extent that I can make out my surrounding. I had come into the foyer that led to the main door. Just few more steps and a little more efforts and I can go out of this mansion and call for help from the guards watching over outside.

"I need to hurry before he finds me." I whispered to myself. "Though I stabbed him with wooden blade, he can still come chase me. After all, rogues are tough."

But I will not give him that opportunity. Nandini Murthy is a warrior. I may be a human but my spirits are stronger than these beasts. He will have to try harder to shake my grounds and make me stop.

"Which is never going to happen at all." I put my body in motion before I turned around... "Aaahh!"

"I will draw every last drop of blood out of your fucking body before I finally fist on your soul, dirty mortal slut." a thunderous echo numbed my body.

My neck was clutched in a tight tormenting hold. I opened my eyes wide only to find HIM standing to his great height and lifting me with the hand of the side I had struck him on. I felt the supply of blood being cut. His murdering hold ceased the circulation of blood to go to my brain thus causing my eyes blur.

Fireworks erupted and his image suddenly turned out as blackness dominated my vision. This was my end! I was going to die. Or thought so.

"Manik!!!!" A thick and unsteady voice hollered as I felt my senses go blank. "What the hell are you doing Manik, let go."

"Manikkkk," I may have passed out if he didn't let go.

I fell with a thud in his feet, my head bursting with pain. I coughed covering my neck as tears brimmed my burning eyes. A stinging feeling spread throughout my body as the blood flow started again.

Much to my partial relief the lights returned. Luna Arti appeared before my going on and off sight. Her husband and others behind her.

"Are you crazy, Manik? How could you attack Nandini?" It was Luna's voice.

I was unable to stabilize myself when her arms came around my shoulders and pulled me up.

"Oh no, she's totally pale. I will kill you if something happens to her, Manik Malhotra!" She screamed and patted my cheeks in order to bring me back to my senses.

I couldn't move but my senses were wide awaken. I can feel alpha Manav sitting next to me on the other side while Navya in my front. All of them spoke distantly to me, attempting to bring me to stable consciousness. I was not breathing. My lungs were too affected to suck in oxygen.

"Oh Nandini, wake up, beta. Ugh, she's not responding, Manav. What should we do." Luna sniffed fearfully.

"Let me help."

Alpha Manav pushed his hands on my chest for CPR. I coughed but couldn't breathe. My vision was a blurry mess. I can see unclear figures around me as they moved and spoke but none of it made sense. I was dying. After so many attempts I was finally dying at the hands of a bloody rogue.

That's what I thought he was until I heard a  complaining remark coming from him, "I don't why are you aiding her, damn it. She's a bloody thief, mom, dad. She tried to kill me. Look at this stab here."

Luna Arti hissed next to me. "She's not a thief, Manik Malhotra. She's a our new family member."

"What?" He shockingly shouted.

"Navya, call doctor Raghav here. She's not going to make it without his help." That was alpha talking.

His hands had withdrawn from my chest. His CPR wasn't helping. It couldn't help across the anguishing hold of this tormentor I persisted.

Then I heard his sigh, "Just great! I saved a girl only to have my stupid son choke her to death."

What? The rogue guy is his son?!

I s-stabbed Luna's precious son, the alpha-to-be?!!!

The realization held me aghast. My lungs were completely out of oxygen and blackness engulfed me.


Manik's POV

A new family member?

Mike silently growled in my chest watching our parents tend her like she was their daughter. I was surprised myself to see them helping her with so much worry in their eyes.

I felt completely out of the place. As if I was the attacker who picked on their sweet precious princess and not their son! My return to the pack after years of training seemed wasted. Expectations of hugs and kisses from my mother and appreciation from my father seemed to have gone down the flush as I witnessed them pat and shake her.

"Who is she?" I was jealous and desperate.

Her pale red face didn't weaken the wall of my anger. Even the fresh wounds on her wrists my mom was stroking lovingly didn't stop me from glaring at her in pure hatred. The prints of my fingers on her neck appeared as a tattoo.

Why was she getting such attention from my parents? Why was I was treated as the wrong one here?

"Where the hell is Navya? Why's it taking her so long?" My mom gritted.

Loud growl gushed out of my chest. I wanted them to greet me, treat me, but no! I received a cloudy disappointed look from my father.

"You better pray she doesn't die, Manik." He said.

My gaze wandered to her colourless face. My anger was replaced with surprise for I have never seen my parents to care for anyone like this other than me.

'She will die in a few minutes, Manik.' Mike pulled me back from my reverie.

I cast a glance at my parents' face to confirm their concern before I sat down near this mysterious woman's unconscious figure.

"What do you think you are doing now?" Mom hissed.

Avoiding her sour looks and the squirming pain under my elbow, I bent down and took her head in my hands.

"Manik?" Dad's hand on my shoulder tightened, he tried to pull me back.

I sighed angrily, "Saving your new family member!" and dipped my head lower to give her mouth to mouth resuscitation.


Suddenly sick... In a clinic taking drip 😭😭😭
But I managed to write a chapter.
I'll try if I can write another as promised.
Don't forget to comment and vote. Pray that I get well soon.

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