43. Catching Her in the pond

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43. Catching Her in the pond

Alpha Manik's POV

For the coming few days I made sure Nandini Murthy tasted the bitterness of her own cold behaviour. I didn't let any opportunity to slip out of my hands of hurting her.

The torrent of misery was never reduced. This or that way I made her feel pathetic in whatever way was possible.

Sometimes half naked women, then sometimes the tales of sexy strippers clouded her face with paleness. Though it struck my heart equally, I couldn't stop myself.

My Alpha side refused to give up on it and accept her so easily. My wolf made it worse as he kept on reminding her words. They were acidic and distressed me everytime he mentioned thus making it harder to melt.

'You know she was harsh.' My wolf said. 'Other girls die to have an alpha mate and here she humiliated us.'

I closed the laptop and rested my head back on the chair and turned my eyes away to the window and tried to relax. I want to have Nandini and her attempts have been impressive. She even wore small dresses to convince nevertheless my wolf won't let me fall for her attempts.

He is deeply hurt and no words or attempts of her seems enough to win over him.

'I don't want you to fall for her any more, Manik. It'll be harder to let go when our mate arrives. You know right, I want to be with our destined mate.' I undid my eyes and heaved loudly.

I know what my wolf wants. It is strangely different from my own needs. He's bent on finding and settling with our mate ever since my eighteenth birthday but I don't want to rush. She'll come whenever it is time.

I don't know if I want to be with our destined mate for I want Nandini.

'No, you can't have her. We don't want a mean woman like her to be in our lives.' My wolf contradicted my thoughts. 'I've agreed with you all the times you want Manik Malhotra, this time it is your turn. You must forget Nandini and start looking out for our mate. The pack needs a Luna.'

Without arguing further to him, I left the chair and headed towards the door. I crossed the corridor and came to the main hall. I worked on the buttons of my shirt and let it fall at my feet as I let my wolf take over and come out.

'Thanks I needed that.' He said before howling aloud such that the curtains and chandeliers above shuddered in its intensity.

My wolf galloped in the air, his feet barely hitting the ground. The guards on lookout howled in respect as they saw me running beyond the gates protecting our mansion. I ran with the winds and saw cars stop by to catch a glimpse of my wolf.

He was huge as compared to normal wolves. Alpha wolves are broad and their huge stance is enough for people to know it is him. Some wolves in their human forms howled in respect as they found me running by the side of the street.

Soon I was in the forest that led to a lovely pond. It is reserved under the pack's property and no one from the pack except for the Alpha's family is permitted to visit. This is like a recreation park for the Alpha's family.

I would come here as a cub with my mom. She taught me many things here and I made various friends with cute animals like squirrels and stray cats.

The sun light was mild and the winds rolling over smoothly. The atmosphere was calmed with butterflies fluttering here and there. Dry leaves from several species of trees and sweet smell of fruit trees hit my nostrils. I stopped across from a tree of Jasmine. I shook it with my fronts paws and hundreds of white flowers cascaded below in a milky trail in slomo.

Bringing my snout to the ground, I inhaled their fragrance. I was taken over by the sweet smell unless  amidst the murmuring air I heard someone singing as tunefully as the nightingale.

The lyrics were incomprehensible but the voice carried along the murmuring winds and invaded my ears. The melodious voice got my attention and I followed it curiously. It brought me to the pond where a girl's back was the first this I noticed. Her bare back.

She was glistening under the sought as the shimmering water of the pond around her danced with her every move. Her hair was damped and pulled up in a high bun. Some strands of disarrayed hair stuck to her neck and white shoulders.

I'll let you set the pace

'Cause I'm not thinking straight

My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more

What are you waiting for?

She sang and my wolf sank to the ground as he peered at her like a lover lost in love. Her voice was so melodious that I closed my eyes and placed my chin on my front paws and closed my eyes, drowning myself into the lyrics.

The notes of the birds filled the air, giving her voice a background music. I felt sleep embracing me slowly like the darkness takes over the world after setting of the sun. However, an unforeseen realization hit me hard and I rose on my feet again.

She trespassed the reserved region. Not only that, she was also enjoying taking a bath in the warm water of the pond like her father owned the place.

My wolf got furious and prepared to jump on her in the water. Taking an attacking position just as he set a leg forward, she spun around and froze him right just there.


It was her. Air whipped my wolf's face. He moved backwards so she didn't notice us but it was late already. Her eyelids expanded painfully as she opened her mouth to gasp. Her hands went around her shoulders as she tried to cover her nakedness.

Not that she was visible to my eyes for her body until the neck was inside water. Being noticed and cognizant that it was her with nothing hiding her gorgeous, I jumped inside the water.

Her loud shriek made the water ripple. "Help, there's a rogue here!" a giggle inside the water while shifting back into my human form.

She reminded me of our first encounter. On the first day we met, she took me for a rogue. Even today I wad being seen as one and that's probably because I was in my wolf form.

Not for a long time because when I came up on the surface, a hand of mine captured her bare waist as the other one seized the back of her neck before smashing my mouth down on hers, taking her by surprise.


Ahem ahem 🥵🥵🥵
I swear didn't intend to steal your breaths. Don't forget to comment and vote.

I'm so exhilarated with your response. The target was achieved within a day👌 thank you for loving the book so much.

Next I'll update 2 chapters.

Yep, no target ❤️

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