75. A coffee with Stanley Archibald

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75. A coffee with Stanley Archibald

Nandini's POV

Mr. Archibald approached her carefully. He gestured to his bodyguards to hide their weapons from her sight and stand away.

"He's such a pretty cute boy. He's taken it after his mamma I see." He said and attempted to touch the boy's knees.

She let out a resigned cry and hugged the boy closer to her chest, "N-no, you c-can't take my son away. I won't let you... Let you take him from me."

"Don't worry, I am not going to take him. Only a fool would separate a beautiful boy from his equally beautiful mother. He'd stay with you forever."

"Forever?" Her eyes flickered as she bit her lips. "But they say I can't mother him. I... I am not fit to r-raise. Why do they say they'll take him away."

"Because they are stupid assholes." The woman laughed at his words. "Also because their mothers didn't love them as much as you do to him. They're jealous."

"You're right. They're all jealous of me. All of them."

Mr. Archibald cautiously placed a hand on the boy's head. His breaths diminished.

With his eyebrows drawn together he spoke to the woman in a temptingly polite tone, "If you don't let me see your son, you may lose him forever. Do you want that to happen?"

He coaxed the woman into transferring the boy in his arms. He promised her no one would take him away and masterly led her to a waiting ambulance.

The woman stopped a few steps away and wanted her son back, "You're fooling me. They'll take away my kid. They..."

"No one will take him away from you." Mr. Archibald let her take her son as he politely talked to her. "Listen if you don't let them take him to hospital he will die. Do you want to see him die?"

She fearfully nodded her head. My heart melted seeing her teary eyes. She was mentally unstable but still a mother. I can imagine what she may have gone through in the hands of so-called concerned foster care authorities.

"I don't want him to die. He's my son. I... I..." Mr. Archibald carefully wrapped his arm around her shuddering shoulder like a fatherly figure.

"I'll see to it that no one lays their hands on your son. He is yours. Only yours."

The lady wasn't very old and she suppressed her cries when she was promised again. She didn't put on a fight after that and hopped into the ambulance van. Frighteningly she let the waiting nurse take her son and tend to his wounds and attach pipes to his body.

"Go with the ambulance, Rax. I want you to make sure the woman and her son safely reach the hospital." Mr. Archibald instructed one of his bodyguards.

We watched the ambulance and his guard follow them in another car. Round of applause broke around us as people stepped forward to praise and shake hands with the man of kindness himself.

He excused himself from a journalist who jumped out of nowhere and stopped to smile at me, "So you're a doctor. But I never saw you before, Miss?"

"Miss. Murthy, sir. Nandini Murthy." I offered my hand for a shake. "I recently migrated in the pack and am trying to settle in. Not many know me but you're an inspiration to all of us. I was at the event you organized some time ago for the medics."

"You were? How come I never met you then?" His eyes incredulously lifted as he pulled his hand back.

"Because I left the event earlier due to some personal reason."

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