52. A Step Deep In Danger

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Manik's POV

I didn't continue further as my throat felt like a dry paper. If I had continued speaking, I would have affected my squad with the disturbing small of salt coming from my tears. I rather looked out of the window and wished for us to reach to the headquarters soon.

All the werewolf businessmen from my pack are waiting there. That's because after we received the warning (The box with pieces of infant girls and a letter), I couldn't keep it to myself. The businessmen must be involved now. I want them to take a look at the warning we've received and feel the pain deep to their bones as this is the cause of their engagement. Wolves like him lust over human women, and as a result the owners of these grooming factories aim to provide them for hefty amount.

They go as far as abducting women from airports and trips. The data we obtained showed that about seventy percent of cargo (women for sale) comes from abducting them. As they are brought to an island which is as far-flung as the two poles of the earth, it becomes hard for the parents and spouses of such females to find them.

And then there are greedy people like Nandini's father. They don't hesitate selling off their daughters as a commodity. Like, come on! Don't they feel something squirming in their chest. Something like conscience. Don't they have an inner voice to scream at them for thinking about trading off their daughters for some bundles of valuable paper.

Fury flooded through my veins. I shut the flaps of my eyes to bring my aggrieved wolf in control as I smelt the disturbing stink of blood as we cross the electrified gates of my pack's headquarters. I open my eyes at the view of a white circle marked at a certain spot, where the box with infant babies were found.

'Control your emotions, Manik. I know there is a possibility that one of them or most of them are involved in this catastrophe. But you need to work with your brain, don't let anger take charge of you.' My wolf hinted with tranquility.

I had sarcasm altered into a remark that I was going to hurl at him when he suggested further, 'Observe their demeanour and note each and every remark/assertion/claim they make. Have your special team beside you and ask the same out of them. Together you guys can draw some helpful conclusion which will lead you to the association that is behind all this and doesn't want to stop conducting this business.'

My wolf was right. He was not thinking with an affected heart after all. He was focused. Though his words sound a little too over-the-top kind, he still speaks with logic. Making a mental note of what he said, I transmitted it to my team on our psychic link as we departed the car and entered the main building.

The elevator took us up on the top floor into a conference room with walls of ceiling-to-floor windows that overlook the cityscape on all the four sides. Filled with natural light and distracting view of awakening New York City, it brushed our hair as gusts of cool winds rushed in.

"Thank you so much for gracing us with your presence, Alpha Manik." I was snapped out of the calming distraction of the meeting room by an irritated voice.

That brought me back to reality. I saw the large rectangular, sleek and modern table in the middle of the room, was laden with bottles of water and mobile phones of the businessmen I had sent out messengers for. They were seated in random chairs out of fifteen.

I focused on the suggestion of my wolf and peered each of their facades. Not everyone had a pleasant expression. Some of them let their irritation sit obvious on their cheeks while some looked like they have come with the objective to help.

"I am happy to see you all come for this important meeting at such a short notice." I announced at once as my team took its position without me ordering them.

I heard a bitter laugh. It was from the person who was on the top my list of abhorred individuals, Rafael King. Unlike his surname, the werewolf was no king but an old sixty-seven year old beep-cake pervert, who enjoyed oppressing little girls.

As you must have perceived, he deals in shipment bringing young girls ranging from the age ten to twelve.

The torment of his presence unnerved me to my very bones except I was compelled to maintain a friendly grin. "I truly mean it, Mr. King. After all, dealers like you are going to help us get to the core of the disaster we intend to resolve and save people from."

His perverted gaze speaks of his perversion. He has surpassed the age of enjoying sexual life but the old man's ting dick is still active. He loves to inject it in the undeveloped private parts of little girls who should be dreaming of their colleges and talents.

"And dealers like us bring money in your pack and keep the public welfare and such accounts full." I suppressed my chuckle as the old man took my words to his heart.

He must be ashamed of being called out here. Because everyone of them are dealers and active buyers of women on Rivera Island with their specific requirements. While some like adult and mature women, some want them to be little girls they term as 'Unripe fruit'. All of them who have gathered here on my notice have transacted more times than I have seen the sun rise in my whole life.

They have special connections with the owners and workers within the grooming factories, and they help them get their desired commodity of women.

I acknowledged his taunt with a smile of agreement and responded, "The pack and I shall be forever grateful for that. Now if you're done with expressing your irritation than can we please come to the important topic that I have called you to discuss?"

He rolled his eyes and muttered something. Nathan was behind him. His eyes were clouded with wrath and his body language gave away his reducing patience. I commanded him to keep calm and leave the room if he needed it to clear his mind. He apologized and controlled his rage while I focused back on the men we have gathered here.

I am sailing in a boat no other than the one he is on. My emotions are all over the place too. But instead of hurting these businessmen, we need to focus on getting information out of them. Hurting them would only lead to nastier war. Give as my wolf suggested earlier, they could be involved.

A blow on their face would mean blowing their entire association. That is the last thing we want to occur. We are in such a condition that every action will result into disastrous consequences. It will hamper the working of my special team and ruin the progress we have made so far.

Hence, setting my anger aside, I let my intelligence take control of the moment. I got up and gestured one of the team members to play the video clip of the parcel we received not long ago on the projector.

"Gentlemen, the video we are about to show you is of a parcel we received this early morning with a message. Our motive behind showing this to you will be shared in a short time. Please have a look at the video first and let its content seep in your senses deeply." I announced and then turned to Nathan.

He drew the curtains before the windows and cut the source of radiance. The businessmen and I saw the room that once was burning bright in natural light get cloaked in darkness. The furniture turned to a blur and the room disappeared into nothingness. Except for the sound of our breathing, appalling stillness dominated the air.

"Play the video," I announced and in the second following, the sound from the video blared through the speakers.


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