83. I don't care about Nandini

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Okay, Ik you're already very pissed and this chapter title is too much now. But plz stick with me and move further. Because the coming chapters are really wow 😈🫶

Enjoy reading


83. I don't care about Nandini!

Nandini's POV

What the hell is wrong with Manik!

I checked my phone again and paced my room as I tried not to lose my shit. He hasn't left his room since he arrived. Everyone and anyone that needs his attention has to go to his room where he'd heed them. It's for everyone but me.

I've tried three times and each time I was told he's busy. If this goes on then I would not be able to tell him about my mother any time soon. I need to find a way to reach him.

Leaving my room I went to Nathan's. The door was open and he was sorting some kind of papers.

"Nathan," He looked up instantly and gave me a small smile. "Nandini, come inside."

Weariness had etched lines on his face, like a map revealing the journey of his fatigue. I returned his smile and thought about an excuse that would help me meet Manik faster. I couldn't grasp any.

So I told the truth, "I want to meet Manik today, Nathan. It's important. It has something to do with my mother, who I thought was dead."

"You thought was dead?" Nathan parroted, keen to know more.

I nodded, "I have a feeling her death was staged. And that she was rather sold."

"This is really messed up and important. I'll let Alpha Manik know now. Give me two minutes please." He picked the papers he was earlier assessing and put them in another folder named important.

Nathan took a sandwich from a plate nearby and motioned me to follow him.

"I am sorry if I disturbed you. It was supposed to be your meal time, wasn't it?"

He grinned, "It's okay. Your mother and all that you said is more important than my hunger. I can down those sandwiches after I drop you inside Alpha's study."

I wanted to hug Nathan for being so considerate. He was already prepared and ready to rescue my mother in my imagination. I just had to convince authority to execute a rescue mission for mom.

"Stay here, Nandini." He said with a small nervous smile. "Manik is not in a very good mood recently. Let me go and talk to him first."

"Sure, I'll be here."

He knocked on Manik's study room. "Come in." The order coming from inside made my skin tingle.

It was hoarse and in a professional mode. Manik must be awfully focused. I would be a distraction and the issue I was going to share with him. It was only him who could help me. My only hope.

I was making patterns on the wall with my finger when Manik snarled, "Fuck Nandini and everything that fucking concerns her."

My body turned to the door that was not properly bolted. It was left a hair-breadth creak open and Manik's exasperated icy tone rumbled through the walls.

"My mate is on her fucking deathbed and you expect me to entertain Nandini and her silly claims related to her dead mother!"

Mate? Did I hear it correctly?

Manik said mate!

The serpent of anguish infiltrated my soul as I heard him talk about her again.

"I can't stop thinking about Gianna and here you want me to fucking entertain Nandini and her silly dead mother's tale."

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