63. Punish me

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63. Punish me

Manik 's Pov

My nerves calmed down as I thrusted my tongue inside her mouth. Relief spread through my system and all the tightness in my muscles came to a rest. I allowed my heart to beat properly at a normal, stable rate, as I held her by the waist and pulled her closer.

She has no idea what I have been through. It was a ride to hell and back. Thanks to the Unholy Allies that I am still alive. Otherwise has anyone ever made it back home breathing while he's been shot four times in different spots on his body?

I did, and I did it because I refused to die before taking my revenge on the brutal players of the grooming factory. Another reason is her. I could not die while she was lying unconscious in bed-- unaware of her boyfriend being in a deathly war with a group of gangsters.

Nandini tapped her hand to stop me, her action frantic as I felt her body shudder with the need to suck in oxygen. I let go of her mouth while my arm was still a burning band around her waist. My hold was dirty possessive but not to the extent that would hurt the still-bandaged slit on her belly.

Joining our foreheads, I clasp my fingers on the back of her neck, "You're cruel. More than me. My reputation is stained for being arrogant but you are worse, Nandini Murthy. You are selfish."

Her shivers made my groin throb. She might have had her guilt ride already after waking up. I can't help it though. The rage in me, the possessiveness, and the simmering anger for walking on her laying pale and weak had torn my confidence to shreds. And to say, I've decided to join the Unholy Allies a few minutes before I got the news of her being in a hospital.

I moved my hand up her head, my fingers tangling with her hair. Pulling her closer until our breaths mingled, my eyes kept hers imprisoned, "You are selfish, Nandini. You don't care about anyone but yourself."

I wanted to let her go. Let her feel how helpless I'd felt when she was in bed, unconscious. But the fear of her sweeping down to the floor made me hold her to my chest. I would want her to know what it feels when someone you love leaves you in the middle of a brutal situation. Only her fall would turn my stomach upside down.

I might have wanted her on her knees months ago when I abhorred her. At present I would give my life up to see her standing proudly on her feet. She's never going on her knees unless in my bedroom to take my dick. That's the only exception I will entertain.

She was cold and slowly sobbing. I wanted to do more but knowing her condition, I pulled her closer and hugged her tighter. My words cut deep, my actions acting as a soothing balm to her.

Nandini didn't wait as she put her arms behind my back, hugging me quickly. Like her world would fall apart if she didn't. She muttered words that made no sense. I could only grasp fragments of her sentences. However, I was certain she was asking to be forgiven.

I looked around myself. The place was eerily dark. The halo caused by light coming from chandeliers kept the area alive. I picked Nandini by the waist and spun around, taking her to my bedroom.

"It was Raghav's fault," I suppressed my lips from curving up into a smile as I brushed hair back from her face.

"Okay, I get it. It was Raghav who did it. Not you. I heard you. Stop crying." I caressed a thumb on her cheek.

She's parroted the whole story, starting to end, like ten times already. I've also said I wasn't mad, but she won't stop chanting it again and again.

I've apologized to her too. It was my madness that pushed us to this. But my cute, sexy parrot doesn't want to stop explaining it to me.

"I was planning to spend time in the garden among the flowers when Raghav told me about the head." There we go again. "He wasn't clear. He didn't specify whose head it was. He just said 'a head'! I thought it was from the old age home."

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