53. Is It The End Of Their Relationship!

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Nandini's POV

I don't remember Manik departing from his room. When I rose from my slumber, I was hit with cool air flowing in deadly silence. I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and slowly got out of the bed. My heart hurt as if I plummeted on the floor from the bed. But I know that was not the case. This was the outcome of what Manik told me.

Little newborn babies. Oh god. I held the sheets around my body and entered the restroom as Manik's words rushed into my mind. Just the thought of it blows my soul like a cold wind. I wonder about the parents who lost their babies. I am sure they were picked from hospitals from maternity ward with the assistance of doctors. Otherwise it is impossible to have that many babies.

The thought is like a dark cloud hanging over my head. To get rid of it, I stood under the shower and turned the knob on. With warm water flowing down my figure, I felt my nerves getting back to work at peace. I pulled my eyelids together and tried to forget whatever Manik told me.

Manik. I hastily undid my eyes and stared at the wall across. He must be so worried. He was already distressed and how I fainted must be am addition to his sorrow. I am otherwise a strong woman but the mention of little infant, it still bothers me.

I take some wash in my hand and apply it on my body. I attempt to keep Manik's words at the back of my mind and wash my hair. Once I am done I wear the bathrobe hanging on the wall beside the washbasin slab. The warm texture of it in my palm reminds me of Manik. He always leaves something in his washroom for me, so that I don't go to my room unless I have washed myself.

I wouldn't mind striding to my room in my clothes. His cologne on them, nevertheless, will give away the hint to other members that there's something going on between us. Hence, he suggests me to wash myself before leaving his bedroom.

It's 11.45 am. Thankfully there is a clock on every second wall in his chambers, which includes his washroom. It is way too late and I start making haste as I don't want to get hot in here, wearing nothing but the Alpha's bathroom.

I am almost done. I turn to the mirror above the washbasin to take a look at myself before I turn to the door. Just before I twisted the knob and stepped out, I heard the main door of his bedroom set ajar.

"Manik," I froze to my spot with my hands coming acrossu chest.

'God, that is Luna Arti.' I stared at my reflection in the mirror, trembling and feeling cold though I just had a warm bath.

"Manik, you didn't come for the breakfast. What's wrong, sweetheart? Are you sick?" She spoke as I sensed her pace about his bedroom.

I have nothing to be scared about as every freaking wall of his bedroom is sheeted with sound proof material, so she can't get the wild beating of my heart. It is until she walks into the washroom. Then it would be other way around. She would freak out and freeze if she finds me. How can I forget that it'd also be the end of our relationship.

"Beta, are you in the washroom?" That was like a punch in my gut.

With her approaching foot steps, I quickly scurried behind the plastic curtains that cuts the view of the room from the bathtub. Stepping inside it I pulled the curtain from end to end and prayed for my dear life. I hugged my arms and closed my eyes. No matter how much I tried to keep myself composed, my heart sprinted crazily.

I heard the knob twist and she walked inside. My sweat ducts burst. I felt my forehead and my back wet. Fear bit into my very bones, turning me as trepid as I could ever feel.

'Oh god, she's coming here.' I hugged my hands tighter as I felt her footsteps approach.

I tried turning my head other way but my body failed. And just in that moment the curtain was set aside. "Gosh, you will cause me incurable mind seizure, Nandini Murthy." Joy bubbled in my stomach as I peeled my eyelids.

"Manik!" I threw my hands around his neck and burst into tears.

Tears I couldn't control. I was so freaked out. Don't know about him but I would have surely bid adieu to the living world if it were Luna Arti.

"You're crying? Oh goddess," An irritated sigh expelled from his chest.

However, I clung to his shoulders even tighter. I also wrapped my legs around his waist like a baby monkey glueing on its mother as i drenched his shirt with the molten fear, flowing from my eyes.

"You are such a baby." He chuckled while stroking my hair.

He has no idea how relieved I am. It feels like flowers are blooming again. The birds are back at taking a long flight and the air carries the scent of a variety of flowers. It feels like the rivers are flowing again and the animals are sprinting around a garden full of green grasses. I feel like life had been blown in my body again.

"I thought Luna Arti will catch me today." As he sat me down on the edge of the bed, I spoke like a kid that is shouted at.

He stared at me with awe and then pecked my lips lightly, "She can't until I am here with you, darling." He caressed my jawline with his thumb. "I was here outside the mansion when she messaged me she's coming to check up on me."

"But what if you hadn't come." Even though the storm had subsided, I was stuck to the consequences that won't arrive until the next stork.

Manik sighed and rolled his eyes. He looked tired of my baby behaviour. Then his lips smirked mischievously and he pushed me on the bed.

"Manik," He started unbuttoning his shirt. "Not now, Manik. Your mother just visited your room."

"I know." He said and dropped the shirt on the floor by the edge.

Then he gripped the end of the belt around my waist that held the gown in place. Slowly, he pulled it towards him thus undoing the bow knot I had made.

"Manik, Luna apparently caught my scent in your bedroom. She might be suspicious. So it's only fair I go back to my room." I barely whispered underneath him as he hovered my body.

"Don't worry about that. I told mom you were here with me."

"You did?"

"Yes," He set aside the robe from my right shoulder and covered my breast with his palm.

His eyes came to meet mine as he ran slow patters with the pads of his fingers alongside my nipple. I held back my moans, the memories of punishment still intact in my brain.

"The very first thing she asked me was about you." He said and brushed his mouth on mine. "She thought I probably summoned you in my room to bother you."

"Then what did you say?" I licked my lips, attempting to keep my moans in the back of my throat.

He breathed my struggle and started to stroke my nipple hard, "I told her that I called you to discuss important work related to medicines."

"And she bou--" Before I completed my sentence, he sealed my mouth with his hungry one and closed his hand brutally down on my breast.


So three chapters done here 😘😘
Next I'll try to do double chapters again if readers engagement is good here.

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Let's see who wants the next chapter! 😉

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