32. You Are Not My Alpha

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Alpha Manik's POV

She was as still as a mannequin but her blinking eyes ensured me that I was being listened.

"You also presented your desires to see me for an important deal in the afternoon?! I am here, tell me." I held her tighter by her waist over that annoying clothing of her night dress.

Her skin was so smooth and consoling. I want to touch her all over again.

"Come on, tell me. What's it made you hunt for me day and night. I am here and I am all ears. Tell me." Her rosy lips were sealed together in a tight line.

I tried not to look at them but one lick of her tongue over them, and my eyes glued to her mouth. I wanted to taste her lips all over again.

She is desirable and rebellious. A perilous combination. Now I get it why my wolf wanted to hate her. She is not good for domineering alpha wolves like us. We like to dominate and tame. She is untamed. She's fought some of the nasty wolves and come here without anyone's help. She is interesting.

Even that night when she stabbed me... I know why I was mad. That is because I was kind of lost in her beautiful face but like a bitch she stabbed my ego and tried to run away while all that my hearted wanted was to dive in the pond of her ocean and take a swim.

Now that all the covers of misunderstanding and uncertainty have come down, I can see the real her. And I want her. I want to tame her and see her submit to me in bed.

"I am waiting for your reply, Nandini Murthy. Your alpha demands a reply." I said near her lips as I dipped my head lower.

She is so small. So tiny. Or I should say I am vulnerably tall for her otherwise she's got a good height. Not too bad I should say.

Her curves are perfect. I have been wondering how they would feel under me? Under my palms when I crush them? Gosh, I want her.

My urge was so bad that I hungrily placed my mouth on her shuddering crimson lips and sucked them again.

The connection I felt in the kitchen some moments back returned with mind numbing passion. As my mouth met hers once again, I felt like a circuit has been completed. The electricity that ran through our linking mouths and combined our body. Then it settled between my legs, making me harder.

Considering how I was standing with her, she must feel it poking in her stomach. She must contemplate the need I have for her.

I deepened the kiss and closed my eyes. She was not responding but as long as she stood submissively, I don't mind it. I have hundres of thousands of technique with which I can make her want me. Just a little bit more time with her body and I will discover her weak spots.

She was amazing. I don't remember tasting lips so soft and silky before. She made me feel wasted as I recalled all the one night stands and deep fucks I regarded as satisfying. It is now that I realize all of them was nothing. It was nothing in front of her. All the women I met and courted to my bed were nothing before this beauty in my arms.

Nandini was motionless unless I put my hands over her chest. Just as I drew my fingers close to knead her breasts, something ignited her sleeping consciousness. She moaned painfully in my mouth and with all her power she propelled me away from her.

"You... You..." My mouth hung as a bolt of surprise jolted down on me.

She was red and crying hysterically. This is just a pretense, isn't it? She's hiding her true feelings, isn't she? I am not wrong with my abilities. I fucking did sense her desires. She likes me as much as I do to her.

As I observed her with my dilated pupils, she held her mouth and wiped it urgently.

"You are a jerk." She cried.

She continued to remove the touch of my lips with the back of her hand and fingers.

"After kissing me forcibly you have the guts to manipulate my thoughts just so I don't complain on you. You are pathetic, Manik Malhotra. Shame on you."

Anger raked my spine. I caught a hold of her and pulled her towards me.

"How dare you regard me with such humiliation, Nandini Murthy. I am your alpha." She twisted her hand away and smacked it across my face hard... on the same cheek.

"That's what you deserve, Manik Malhotra. You are a disgusting creature. You can't be my alpha. You can never be." She cringed.

"I regret wanting to meet you. There is no difference between you and those rogues." My anger suddenly turned to mush.

When I matched her gaze, my heart squeezed as I saw her rising hurt.

'Bloody hell, you probably refreshed her painful memories from the woods.' My wolf guessed and perception siphoned all the blood from my face.

"Nandini, I..." I tried to take her hand but she jerked me away and whirled around like a rotating tornado.

"Listen to me, Nandini," Before I stopped her and explained her the toil in my heart, she whispered away like a fog.


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