67. Unseen blow

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67. Unseen blow 

Manik's POV 

"Nandini, no no! Bloody son of a fucked up bitch!" I screamed, watching Nandini pass out. 


My hands turned cold. I couldn't undo the sight of her unconscious figure hanging upside down. The fear of losing her made my muscles freeze. 


We were taken on by a huge truck. The asshole sitting behind the steering grinned at me. His appearance gave away the fact that he was none other than one of the fucking left Albanians. 


I seethed, vowing to shred him piece by piece and not stop until he was left into nothing. He accelerated and moved forward to hit our car. That's when I restored my teetering focus and broke the door open and jumped on the other side. 


"Nandini!" I saw her through the cracked glass of the window. 


Her head was bleeding again in the same spot she had gotten hurt earlier. My anger shot up at the view. It took her about a week to get rid of the wound, but having another occur in the same place, my gut twisted in unadulterated exasperation. 


I heard the sound of the rolling tyres approaching us and struggled to open the door. Holy hell. It was jam.


Her streaming blood called for my attention, but I quickly dragged the car away from the line of the truck and stopped at a safe distance. The fucker chuckled and murmured, "That won't save your whore or you tonight, bastard." He rotated the steering wheel to change his direction and come back at us.


Without wasting time I turned to my wolf and peeled the door off the body of the car. Pulling Nandini out with my mouth, I laid her near a lamppost. My veins rushed with scorching blood and I let out a crazy howl and leapt towards the nearing truck.


"What the hell are you?" I heard his dumbfounded remark. 


The window was open, allowing me to slip in. "Die, you mother fucker!" The Albanian dickhead pulled out a gun.


I bit his hand holding the gun and struck my front paw at his jaw, opening his skin to reveal his filthy yellow teeth. The truck crashed into the wall of a building in the front. I fell out of the truck and the Albanian thought he could give a slip.


I jumped back in through the door that set ajar from the heavy crash. "No! No!" I ravished his fearful screams as I gutted him out.


His dick was no bigger than a pea pod that burst in my mouth as I sunk my teeth in. Within a second he was reduced down into scattered bones and flesh with his blood painting the gray ground red. I spat the blood out and darted back to where I'd left Nandini to lie. 


Shifting back to my human form, I patted Nandini's cheek. She was slowly gaining her consciousness. I saw her eyes open weakly, "Manik, my thigh hurts. Is my leg broken?" Her voice was lower than a whisper. 


"No, baby, you're completely fine." Picking her up in my arms, I started running back home. 


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