Chapter 15. Why Don't You Adopt Her!!!

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Manik's POV

Audible gasps filled the air. My parents gaped at my back surprisingly as I worked on giving some breaths to this mysterious lady.

Her lips were flower soft. Just like the softly bloomed petals of a flower. I had an urge to press my mouth deeply down on hers but I controlled the desire. It was wrong. I can't kiss an unconscious woman- no matter the desperation to explore more of her mouth I blew air in her mouth as I felt the silky touch of her lips.

Several deep blows in her mouth and she coughed. Her fingers curled around my arms that I couldn't stop staring at. From this view, the red bands on her wrists seemed vulnerable. Those were older than the prints I left freshly on her white skin.

I am not a professional but I can guess those were the wounds coming from tight binding. As if her hands had been tied under rusty dirty ropes.

"She's breathing fine, Manik, you can let her go." I jerked back and sat upright at the interruption of my father.

"She's... She's... Uhh, she's not dying any more. You can check." I said and got up.

I dusted my hands and wiped my lips in order to wipe out the touch of her mouth from mine. Nevertheless, a single look at her unconscious profile and my heart skipped a beat. How would those lips feel moving against mine?

She appeared fragile and miserable. Her wet lashes caught me by surprise. I don't think I have observed any hint of tears in her eyes! Then the wetness? Oh, the trail of tears going under her eyes and behind her ears, I didn't notice them either. She cried. How and when, I don't know.

I had been so mad about her dauntless strike that I didn't see anything other than hurting her. But now, I can't look past the red bruises on her wrists and ankles alongside marks that became noticeable as I ran my gaze through her body from hair to toes.

"Manav?" I looked behind my back at Uncle Raghav.

He's my maternal uncle. His eyes enlarged profusely as he took a glance of my blood soaked shirt. Raghav possessed my arm, "You're bleeding. What the hell did you do to yourself, Manik?"

My lips flexed in a smile. Sarcastic yet grateful. At least there was someone who noticed my blood! Late but at least.

My parents seemed to follow his gaze as another round of gasps echoed in the room. They noticed it finally.

"Thanks for the concern, buddy. However, you're not here to treat me." I pointed at the girl laying at my feet.

Raghav's eyes followed the aim of my finger. His mouth dropped in amazement. He sat down to check her and I scowled sarcastically, than burst onto laughter.

Cool... I was barely noticed for five seconds by Raghav who's also like a best friend to me. I can share stuff with him that I can't with my parents. He was as surprised and concerned as my parents had been after setting their eyes on her.

Looks like this girl has way more importance in their lives than mine.

"Raghav, check her please." Mom said. "Manik strangled her."

My jaw dropped. I stared at her in bewilderment. But she didn't seem to care I was there staring at her. She continued to narrate what happened and how I misjudged her as an intruder and charged her with my vexation.

"She will be fine, right?" Her voice was extremely emotional, it chilled my heart.

Was she really my mom? The woman who's been restless to have me come back home. The one who refused to take my calls only because I left to a trip with my friends than coming home? It was hard to accept but she really was and the stranger laying on the floor with her head in her lap caused me to grind my teeth.

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