112. Manik's off to San Francisco

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112. Manik's off to San Francisco

Manik's POV

The meeting with the Unholy Allies came to an end after six long hours of discussion. We came to an agreement to issue a warning to the fuckers who think they can take over the reins of the United States from us.

Although Xan and Rogue voted in favor of blasting their headquarters and to put an eternal end to their threats. Conor, Evan and I voted to adopt nonviolence as our first move. We haven't had big wars in the last five years. Just some bickering and shoot-outs here and there. We didn't lose men or money over fights earlier and I don't want us to lose any now. So it's only fair to give the soldiers some respite from blood baths.

I came back home in the early morning at two. The sky was dark and full of twinkling stars. I didn't think twice before taking myself to Lelah's room where she was cutely snuggled in her blanket. With my hands going on either side of her shoulders on the mattress, I bent down on her to kiss her forehead.

Nathan told me that Lelah cried again as a scene in the barbie movie featured the barbie reuniting with her mother. But it was also good because it motivated Lelah to go back to school and face her bullies as Barbie.

I can take care of them for her. It's just that I want her to fight her bullies on her own. Or else she would never be able to survive in this world alone.

I kissed her forehead and walked out of her room. Coming back to mine, I removed my shirt and fell on the bed on my stomach. I have no strength or will to take a shower. Not that I smell bad. The good thing about my sweat is that it doesn't stink.

I closed my eyes to drift off to sleep. I only ended up spinning around on my back and staring at the white ceiling. Like any other night, sleep was far away from my eyes. I put a hand under my head and sucked a deep breath. The conversation I had with mom in the kitchen and how Lelah cried for not having a mother slammed into my awareness.

'I know you love Nandini and only Nandini. But Lelah needs a mother. You remember you promised Gianna to give Lelah a happy family?' My wolf spoke like a whisper in my mind.

He's become less aggressive. He's only there when I need his help during wars or catch fresh air through a long run in the woods. Gianna's death caused him pain. But Nandini's death caused him damage for he loved her too.

'Five years is seriously a long time, Manik. Sometimes I just hope for Nandini to appear in front of us and say that she never died. But it's not possible, is it? She's gone and no matter what we both do, she's not coming back.' His words bit into my heart.

Nandini is in every iota of my being. She's in my breaths and blood. I don't want to have another woman also because I still have the feeling of her fingers on my skin. I know it's been five years. But it feels like it was yesterday that I made love to her madly and we returned from a holiday. Feels like I kissed her five minutes ago when I lick my lips.

She's everywhere on my skin and I don't want to... Have that beautiful memory fade away.

'But you can't live with her memories forever, can you?' My wolf disrupted my thoughts with a tight sigh. 'We need a Luna, Manik. Controlling the pack from rogues as well as protecting New York from greedy gazes of intruders is becoming hard for us. Then we also have Lelah.'

I sat up straight and rested my elbows on my knees. My head was in my palms as I tried to not let the throbbing headache spread in my whole skull. This is what happens to me when I am pitied and asked to move on. My heart and mind refuse it through various ways. My body is never ready to have another woman's touch on it.

I turned my head to the left and right to relax the burning muscles in my neck. That's when I noticed the photo frame of me holding a five year old Lelah on her birthday. Taking it in the possession of my fingers, I caressed her face.

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