42. Taste Your Own Medicine

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Alpha Manik's POV

As I started decreasing the distance between our faces, I couldn't help the smile making its way on my mouth. Rather, it is just devilish.

I had been waiting for Nandini to come and do this in front of her. Now that she was here, I was all set to give Jenna a mind-boggling kiss that she had always desired of having with me. Our lips were a hair's breadth away when a loud scream broke our in the air and we pulled away from each other.

"That sounded like Nandini," Jenna said.

She had been too lost in me to notice Nandini staring upon us from outside the door. How i wished to share the information but kept it to myself as we both rushed to see what happened to her.

"Nandini," I didn't know how to feel when I found her on the cold floor.

"What happened to you?" asked Jenna as she bent down to examine Nandini.

She was holding her right foot with a fake dreadful expression. I could tell she was pretending to be hurt and the tears that spilled from her eyes were the tears of a crocodile-- completely fake.

"I twisted my foot." She let out a loud (fake) sob and pouted as innocently as possibly.

I stood in my place like I was barely affected while Nandini's eyes curiously searched for mine. I wouldn't let her lock our gazes except.

"Oh, would you be able to walk to your room?" Jenna was yet to catch her lying while I rolled my eyes, acting as if I was bored.

I may as well have said that I was not feeling good out here but I bit it back. It was certain Nandini shared the fake tale of her twisting leg to stop me from kissing Jenna. I was mad at her and my wolf was growling as he recalled her words, we still preferred to hang in there and see what else she would do.

Nandini bit her lips and sobbed again, "I... I don't think I can." She lied.

"Then what should we do?" Jenna started thinking.

She gave me a poor look of bad luck. Indeed she was poor. I never kissed her out of feelings before. I wouldn't do it never. Today when she was finally getting to be kissed by me, though casually, Nandini forced her twisted ankle between us and ruined the moment.

She carried her gaze back to Nandini's face as she resumed thinking what to do. The silent seemed to grow somber and awkward unless Nandini coughed, making both Jenna and me to turn our eyes towards her.

"Erm, may be you can bring me some pain relief spray?" She began in the most impotent way possible. "A-after applying some on my ankle I might just be able to get up again."

"That's good with me, but if you want," Jenna flicked her lashes rapidly as if she had a better suggestion for Nandini. "May be... If you could, and if you think so, then may be I can carry you to your room."

"Sure, you can try." Nandini said and Jenna quickly went to her side for help.

But as I anticipated, Nandini cried out loud just before Jenna pulled her up by her arms. She fell back on the floor and sniffed as weakly as possible.

"It pains a lot, Jenna." What an actor. I scoffed inwardly at her acting skills. She was coming out professionally as if she's taken classes.

Jenna was still oblivious of her deception. She sighed helplessly as if there was no other option left, "Don't push yourself, Nandini. I'll just go and get a spray."

Then off she went, leaving in her annoying company.

It never seemed annoying to stay with Nandini until last day. The bars of exasperation rose up again and I turned around to leave.

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