Chapter 21

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Once I broke out of my little reverie, I let out a shaky breath, trying to get my brain to shake off the perturbation and focus on the next question to ask.

"Your...your victims were all females. Park Ji Hyo, the youngest was 18 and Kim You-Jung, the oldest was 39. Was there a specific pattern you liked to follow?"

Lisa kept silent, like the frail breeze that blows before the storm hits; turning her gaze away towards the plain white ceiling, choosing to stare at the most random of spots.

"Did they remind you of someone specifically? Why these women?" I stressed to Lisa. "Why women?"

Suddenly, Lisa's terror-brewing stare met mine, tongue darting out to lick her chapped lips. As much I hated admitting it, I couldn't help but find my gaze discreetly lingering over the small action.

"Women are easy."

I looked up at Lisa, brow furrowed. "Excuse me?"

Lisa shrugged nonchalantly, "Women are easy. Gullible. Desperate. You don't even have to lay out a bait, they'll throw themselves at an attractive, mysterious person carelessly." Lisa's lips, then, sported a vain smirk.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I fell silent. "They didn't know who you were. What you were. They were innocent." my voice came out a broken whisper, juxtaposing the harsh grit I'd quietly expected them to possess.

"Is that so?"

Lisa's tone dripped with arsenic, as if it had been smeared in gallons and gallons of acrimony. So I decided on not replying, lest I should be poisoned.

"Open the drawer on your right Ruby Jane."

I blinked, disarmed, "Why?"

"Because it's where I keep my knives."

My grip around the red button stiffened. The part of my brain that distinguished whim from reality seemed to malfunction for a small second, chilling my entire stance. But when, I weighed Lisa's words with the leverage of reality; realization and relief were quick to flood my system. 

Lisa's just trying to screw with your mind. Focus and get a grip on yourself.

I glimpsed at Lisa once, at her maddening grin, then turned to my right. And indeed, there was a drawer in the desk. With wary hands, I pulled the compartment open.I looked at the contents of the drawer, then back at Lisa Manoban's face. The look in her eyes said it all.

Lisa. You bastard. You scheming asshole.

It was just bundles of paper, racks of plain white envelopes to be specific.

"Do you know what those are Ruby Jane?"

I shook my head in negation, still miffed.

"Fan mail."

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